Legit check and price check on 2013 royal 1s.

Aren't the Royals going for more than the Breds? And weren't they were more limited as well? I'm really asking cause I honestly don't know.
I realize these aren't DS but Deadstock Breds are going for something like $500 right now and DS Royals....well I've seen anywhere from $255-$875 here on NT. Obviously the $255 was a steal that one dude got a few days ago (http://niketalk.com/t/600946/jordan-royal-1-legit-check-please-thanks#post_21168720

and the $875 was one that was shipped overnight but still...
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I wouldn't pay no 400 for some used shoes. I'd rather pay more and know they're DS and not somebody else's shoes. Jus my take.
What do you guys think about this pair? They are ds, but they are .5 size bigger. I could have this pair for around the same price as the last worn pair. The seller said he wants around 400-500. I was going to offer him $450, but I wanted to make sure they're legit. Even 500 seems cheap for a pair of ds royals, I get the feeling that the seller doesn't really know the current market value for them.
 something about the wings logo + nike air straight across on the insole looks weird.
I've never seen the insole on royals, but do you mean the nike air is facing the wrong way? I know on the breds and sadows it goes straight, but I thought it was different on the royals. I don't know if I understand what you meant or not. And I'll ask him for more pics.
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