Real or Fake?

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Im talkin grey markets in general..this is a RECENT


Da utter lack of manufacturing literacy by some of

Ya is quiet comical.

Im still waiting to understand how people who work

In da industry know LESS than da speculators here

On a regular basis... :lol:
Typical ninja...defending these inferior shoes once again. They aint the same shoes b, and it's obvious. Same factory or not, the shoes always look different.

in op's pics:

1)the cut is wrong with the typical toebox error. 

2)the sole is wrong too. The stripes that run horizontally from the ball of the foot should be much narrower with more space between each space then pictured above. How is that "the same shoe"? The color of the sole looks way too light, and I'm sure it is...but that can be lighting or how that camera captures "blues".

3)The overall height of the shoe is waaaaay too tall. Look at the back of the shoe. Real 1 highs are NOT that tall.

4)The perfectly place widow's peaks are there, right in the center of the back of the shoe...just like 99 percent of GM Royals. And another widow's peak right in the middle of the left shoe's toe cap.

But they da same shoes....right b?
Im still waiting on da response from people in da

Industry who already told ya what's going on...

Where's da rebuttal there? >D
Keep ignoring facts. It's cool. Just keep a blind eye turned and you'll be fine.
Keep ignoring facts. It's cool. Just keep a blind eye turned and you'll be fine.
yup, ive had many different pairs & held these so called grey market authentics, let me tell you its not the same . not the same material, not the same mold, not the same craftsmanship, no way its from the same factory. Fakes are just better in 2013, especially if you pay them enough $$$ to make a replica of a shoe that cost Nike $25 to make

“There’s no way to get inside anymore,” Lin told me, describing the enhanced security measures at the licensed factories: guards, cameras and secondary outer walls. “Now we just go to a shop that sells the real shoes, buy a pair from the store and duplicate them.” Counterfeits come in varying levels of quality depending on their intended market."


its pretty clear Nike licensed factories cant be doing no third shifts.... only some of the different raw material suppliers(sub-contractors) Nike orders from are capable of doing 3rd shifts, & sell raw materials to replica factories.

"Nike workers who smuggle shoe parts out of the factory in their clothes or literally fling them over the back fences.”


you know its NOT from the same factory/3rd shifts when workers had to do that just to sneak a shoe out

if i order 20,000 Royals from them, or 20,000 45- Sample Concords they would say yes...

so did they fling 20,000 pairs over the fence or hide 20,000 pairs in their undies?
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That's what I'm saying...if it's the same mold...how the hell is the sole so blatantly different? Why is the shoe so much damn taller every single time? What's up with all the widow's peaks in the EXACT same spots every time? Can't call that a variance in quality if it happens in the same damn spot every damn time, perfectly in the center. 

Some people are just in denial I guess. I mean they are close....REALLY DAMN CLOSE...but it "aint da same shoe b"
Keep ignoring facts. It's cool. Just keep a blind eye turned and you'll be fine.
-people from da sneaker industry HAVE ALREADY TOLD YA whats going on

- NUMEROUS articles stating da origins of grey market(third shifts) are a result of manufacturing of da contracted company selling them on da side

-nike cables that are COMING DIRECTLY FROM NIKE STATING thats going on that were uncovered by wikileaks


which state:

Some of the clothing…appeared to be high-quality, genuine products being sold at low prices…. This is likely the result of ‘third-shift’ manufacturing, in which factories produce extras to sell on the side…

at this point? im da one with all da evidence, ya da ones here who don't have a ******g clue on what ya talking about.

what ya saying, that NIKE doesn't know what its talking about with its OWN products?
yeah that was in the same thing i posted, except you dont get it lol

its in the 2nd link in here, i added more of whats in the link
yup, ive had many different pairs & held these so called grey market authentics, let me tell you its not the same . not the same material, not the same mold, not the same craftsmanship, no way its from the same factory. Fakes are just better in 2013, especially if you pay them enough $$$ to make a replica of a shoe that cost Nike $25 to make

“There’s no way to get inside anymore,” Lin told me, describing the enhanced security measures at the licensed factories: guards, cameras and secondary outer walls. “Now we just go to a shop that sells the real shoes, buy a pair from the store and duplicate them.” Counterfeits come in varying levels of quality depending on their intended market."


its pretty clear Nike licensed factories cant be doing no third shifts.... only some of the different raw material suppliers(sub-contractors) Nike orders from are capable of doing 3rd shifts, & sell raw materials to replica factories.

"But Nike maintains that its real problem isn’t these rogue mom-and-pop sweatshops. Much of the illicit fare in the markets is the genuine article, made by their own subcontractors.“Some of the clothing…appeared to be high-quality, genuine products being sold at low prices…. This is likely the result of ‘third-shift’ manufacturing, in which factories produce extras to sell on the side….”

    Swooshes and other genuine Nike materials are often obtained from “recyclers, scavengers or from Nike workers who smuggle shoe parts out of the factory in their clothes or literally fling them over the back fences.”


you know its NOT from the same factory/3rd shifts when workers had to do that just to sneak a shoe out

if i order 20,000 Royals from them, or 20,000 45- Sample Concords they would say yes...

so did they fling 20,000 pairs over the fence or hide 20,000 pairs in their undies?
anyways like I said these shoes are not even the same material/mold/craftsmanship/ & flaws that consistently & only exist in fakes,

so any argument here is pretty much invalid
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nike cables straight from da company >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> NY times artcle

last time i checked, da NY times doesn't know whats going on more then NIKE themselves.

you source isn't as credible..deal with it b.
nike cables straight from da company >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> NY times artcle

last time i checked, da NY times doesn't know whats going on more then NIKE themselves.

you source isn't as credible..deal with it b.
Ahhh back to that one sentence huh Ninja?......Some of the CLOTHING...  This is not evidence man.. If you see a pile of shoes in the corner would you call them a pile of clothing? We can speculate either way what the ... means but until this source mentions shoes in this sentence; your "evidence" is circumstantial at best. Ill just believe my own eyes over Wikileaks.

If Wikileaks told you the sky was green would you get up and walk over to the window and see for yourself or would you take their word for it? The products are just not the same bro.
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Wikileaks isnt da SOURCE of that sentence, NIKE

IS, after all it THEIR leaked cable...

And its SNEAKERS & apparel.

How many more more people from da industry has

To tell ya that im right forvya to suck it up and learn

From da fact that ya some naive cats when it comes

To da manufacturing of nike footwear? Jeeeeeez :lol:
Ninjahood just says the same ish over and over. Lin already said he's duplicating shoes after buying retail pairs. But eff al that....


If it's the same shoe to you...identical...then you must need glasses. Joints are definitely different, beyond crappy quality that they are known to already have. Straight different shoe. Close, closer than ever...but not the same.
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If GM are the "new fakes" then explain to me why haven't they made GM's of every jordans released not just the new ones from past 4-5 years or those random colorways. I'm sure these factories would be making a lot more money if they had some GM Columbia 11's.
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what i posted is from wikileaks also lol
da bottomline is you're wrong though...i got sources, and people who work in da industry telling exactly what it is, as well as nike themselves saying whats what

privately amongst themselves...
If GM are the "new fakes" then explain to me why haven't they made GM's of every jordans released not just the new ones from past 4-5 years or those random colorways. I'm sure these factories would be making a lot more money if they had some GM Columbia 11's.
because people here don't have ANY COMMON SENSE....they got straight up facts looking dead at their face and they're trying their hardest to disregard it...

if it they were fake you woulld see a return of "coolkicks"type fakes in GM quality in every and any type of colorway, but you DONT see that because its da same damn factory pumping them

out, and they only can work with da materials they already have from retail pairs...
lol youre wrong.. we posted the same sh\t.

like i said, its fake... so many things not the same... so any of our other arguments here is pretty irrelevant to the OP
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lol youre wrong.. we posted the same sh\t.

like i said, its fake... so many things not the same... so any of our other arguments here is pretty irrelevant to the OP
da difference is da people inside da industry side with ME, not YA, cuz they know whats going on too.

ya been wrong.
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