LeBron: Get your wins now

with that being said,I am All in with Boston

And you should be, considering the Cavs beat Boston without a full roster, that's aneducated pick. Sounds about right in the S&T Forum.
i hope u all know when your playing the cavs nothing is garunteed cuz lebron is capable of doing nething, he is certainly capabl of winning a game against anyteam by himself, then your gonna say why didnt he win a game in the finals, well il be honest the spurs were amazing i think they could have beat the 96 bullsplaying like that, especially when tony parker didnt miss one dam three, and lebron had chances to win the game but he got some bs calls for instance whenbowen intentially fouled him in the air for sum reason and he didnt get it, and when varejao for sum odd reason decided he wanted to be the man and took duncanone on one at the end of the game with a wack spin and threw the ball up hoping it would go in. Hes a cancer for that team and###@@+ up everythign lebron triesto do, dude asked for lebron type money
All the Cavs/LeBron haters make me laugh.

When they reach the finals and WIN this year, we'll see how many of you all are still talking.
Eh....time will tell I guess.

I hate when dudes say stuff like this though. Just play ball and shut your trap.
Why do the Cavaliers get so much hate?

Why can't people respect that we beat Detroit in six last year and got to the finals? Sure we didn't win any games, but we definitely showed up. Andhonestly, who can see the Spurs in the finals anyway?

The Cavaliers already beat the best team (record wise) in the league, and that was without a full roster, and from WATCHING that game, I could tell itwasn't a fluke. Our record with LeBron, well that still doesn't include a full roster for most of those games. Boobie wasn't even back yesterday,and Boobie is the man. I'm not even worried about Marshall, we don't need any ill-advised three pointers and sometimes non-existant defense.

I may be a little biased, seeing as I'm less than a half hour away from the Q, but some folks just don't wanna show respect when it's due.
I know that the cavs are a good team, and will show up in the playoffs. It was no fluke that they beat detroit last year, because Bron played like a God inthat series. But im still not entirely sold on the Cavs team yet this year. Maybe Andy V is something that will give the cavs an edge now that hes back, but imstill not sold on them yet.
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