LeBron and Wade on the break Appreciation

Jun 26, 2005

...those two on the break is 

...i have a guy i work with, still mad at LeBron and REFUSES to watch MIA play. im like keep hating bruh, while you missing out on greatness the rest of us are watching the game like:
Agreed. People are missing out on great ball cuz they can't see through the hate goggles. Several years ago, I had to catch myself doing that with KB. It was ridiculous - he was the greatest in the game and I loved basketball way more than I hated his antics.

The chemistry and athleticism they display on the run is unparalleled. These dudes are straight ballin'
I've "hated" plenty of players in my day, but no matter how much I DISLIKE players, I still respect that they are supremely talented. It's one thing to be hating on someone, it's another thing to be BLIND. You can hate on Lebron and the Heat all you want for all those things they personally did to you, but to deny that they are ballin like crazy and to deny that Lebron is not playing out-of-this-world basketball as an individual is just being supremely blind... again, like 'em or not.

Back on topic: Lebron and Wade on the fast break is one of the most exciting things in the NBA right now. Every time there is a turnover caused by Miami, you can't help but say to yourself "Oh man, here we go..." (whether those words are uttered in excitement or dread)
Originally Posted by TheBlackHole76

I've "hated" plenty of players in my day, but no matter how much I DISLIKE players, I still respect that they are supremely talented. It's one thing to be hating on someone, it's another thing to be BLIND. You can hate on Lebron and the Heat all you want for all those things they personally did to you, but to deny that they are ballin like crazy and to deny that Lebron is not playing out-of-this-world basketball as an individual is just being supremely blind... again, like 'em or not.

....and of course that co-worker of mine that refuses to watch them is a Laker fan. i had to stop talking to him because he wont stop saying "PRoints", with his country *%!.

It's gotten to the point now where they just give each other the "look" just like Jordan and Pip, and they know at what point to elevate, where to cut etc etc...
That alley oop was damn near perfect.

Caught at the top of his jump, full extension and flushed it cleeeeeeeean 
This year is just proving what imbeciles Mike Brown and Danny Ferry truly were. We have the best open court player possibly ever, but let's go with trying to replicate the early 90's Knicks.
Originally Posted by YoungTriz

when wade throws it up to lebron, he dont even look back anymore...

All he has to do is throw it somewhere near the goal and Lebron will go get it
Originally Posted by Al3xis

This year is just proving what imbeciles Mike Brown and Danny Ferry truly were. We have the best open court player possibly ever, but let's go with trying to replicate the early 90's Knicks.
.......it really is a polarizing issue with these two. either you love them or you hate them.

.....the only thing the haters have to hold onto in the 'no ring' thing. once they get one, then what?
Originally Posted by amel223

Originally Posted by DubA169

It's very impressive. But I hate them


- Ooooo, and your a Bulls fan too. aw man, its only going to get worse. i feel for you come this years playoffs....
Appreciated, and them being the villains of the story makes it better
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