this thread is getting longer and longer ha2..
Originally Posted by JordanHead21

Originally Posted by TrunksSSJ23

^You were actually wrong, imbecile.
Was that called for? What have you contributed to this thread? To any thread in this forum? Maybe you should say something helpful before opening your sorry mouth
LoL, I find it humorous I was merely backing up ALMOST EVERY CLAIM in this thread besides his. It is really sad to see the intellect of commonteenagers become so bunkered over a pair of sneakers. Like seriously, you guys really need to get a profession in life, in which it involves making your ownmoney not paying 100s of dollars making the next man rich, smfh.
Originally Posted by TrunksSSJ23

Originally Posted by JordanHead21

Originally Posted by TrunksSSJ23

^You were actually wrong, imbecile.
Was that called for? What have you contributed to this thread? To any thread in this forum? Maybe you should say something helpful before opening your sorry mouth
LoL, I find it humorous I was merely backing up ALMOST EVERY CLAIM in this thread besides his. It is really sad to see the intellect of common teenagers become so bunkered over a pair of sneakers. Like seriously, you guys really need to get a profession in life, in which it involves making your own money not paying 100s of dollars making the next man rich, smfh.

You're talking about people being dumb buying shoes for "100s" of dollars? It's hundreds bud, and do you realize you're on a SNEAKERFORUM? How stupid can you be? I don't care who you back up there was no need to call him that even if he was wrong. Looking at your posts you postNOTHING helpful in any thread and are clearly trying to get your count up, imbecile.
Get what count up? Post count? That is completely irrelevant to this topic, and you rely on assumptions to prove your points. You guys are really funny on thissite, the lack of common knowledge is outstanding. And 100s of dollars is equivalent to 100s, ROFL. That was honestly one of the most ridiculous things I haveseen anyone post on this forum. Nice try though
. I commend you for trying to prove something.
Well if they are fake, than I wouldn't say more than what $40? Are they horribly put together??
Literally $10. They're legit, trashed. reguled, VERY VERY badly. their life is over. buy a new pair.

let the thread die.

for christ sake LOCK PLZ!!!!
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