LC gamma 11

You got to do better than just one image bro. These look fake just by looking at that. If the shoe feels to heavy then they are most likely fake. These are super supposed to be light in your hands
This fella pm'd me to help with this lc. He was having trouble posting his pic, so i am helping him get the pics up for you guys to look at. As usual your help will be appreciated and repped. 
i don't like these personally but i am far from an expert on 11's.
Gammas are tough somewhat because they changed up the 23 on these, it's no longer squared as much, but more rectangle shaped, but it's still not supposed to be stretched. also if you notice the embossing around the JUMPMAN JORDAN sign on the box, it should only go around the logo, not again about half an inch past.
So these are fake ?! Thanks for the help fam! Im bought to treat this dude that sold me these 11
U know something fakes are getting better each day . Next thing you know you wouldnt be able to tell the difference. I hate these scammers and fake website and all these ******** selling fake shoes
Bought them from amazon seller dude and they looked legit but the thing that got me was the toe caps one looks clear and the other one is kinda milky so thats why i posted them to see if they legit
Don't need to wait for any more opinions they're no good. Get your money back if possible. Keep looking and post up another pair that you find before purchasing.
No worries OP. Hope the seller doesn't give you a hard time about getting your money back. Good luck.
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