Law & Order: SVU Appreciation ...Doink Doink

Elliot got 5 kids, keep seeing the same 3 on the show though.

Elliot a funny dude going off the rails on purpose like that :lol:

Played him like a fiddle.

This kid Eli is beyond an idiot. Smart enough to loop a surveillance vid on him but ignores all calls, leaves with a strange woman to NEW JERSEY!, does drugs with a stranger in a hotel and passes out first!

He deserves w/e happens.

I knew Wheatley orchestrated that but did he really forget about white privilege a d white power? Solved that murder in under 5 min.

Queenpin. Faking it all along. I wondered if she was during the trial but not before when she was "poisoned".

Wheatley telling the truth. That's the real twist.
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Man..... Angela with the keyser soze moment. Did not expect that at all. :wow:

I'm a little lost though, so can someone summarize now what has occurred? Why she want to do that to Eli? What does she have against Elliott? Why did she want his wife dead?

She told her daughter something about get your dad's help to arrange something when she told her she needs to lay low, so where they all in this together?

What a crazy two seasons of OC this has been if that was the end. :pimp:

This kid Eli is beyond an idiot. Smart enough to loop a surveillance vid on him but ignores all calls, leaves with a strange woman to NEW JERSEY!, does drugs with a stranger in a hotel and passes out first!


Man..... Angela with the keyser soze moment. Did not expect that at all. :wow:

I'm a little lost though, so can someone summarize now what has occurred? Why she want to do that to Eli? What does she have against Elliott? Why did she want his wife dead?

She told her daughter something about get your dad's help to arrange something when she told her she needs to lay low, so where they all in this together?

What a crazy two seasons of OC this has been if that was the end. :pimp:

As of now, I think Angela threw the trial cuz she didn't want the father of her children put in prison.

I think it was all the daughter trying to get Eli framed for murder. Mom, again, just played dumb to protect her daughter.

It is a bit crazy to me since Wheatley definitely did have her son killed for the most petty of reasons.

She may be just as big of a sociopath as he is when things are revealed.
Wheatley freed and byke on the streets

Looks like the dude who took the job from Stabler’s partner is bringing in Wheatley as a consultant so he’ll be around heavy from the jump next season :pimp:

Curious to see if Barba expands his role or if this crossover was a one off. Wheatley definitely was trying to run the full court press on him

Jack's back :nthat:
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