last time you had a really good laugh?

Aug 1, 2012
i can not remember the last time i laughed really hard 

Last night. I hung out with some of my buddies whom I hadn't seen in a while. One of my college roomates as well. classic/funny *** night :smokin
Couple of minutes ago on GTA, was in a car full of NTers trying to escape 4 stars and they were wondering how we kept attracting attention... I was low key dropping them grenades out the back window. The dialogue had me in tears.
I'm always laughing, especially at stuff that no one else finds funny. I don't care tho, life is too serious, so I find the funny.

Oh, n NT has me dying on the regular. Thanks ya'll
Last night when watching Adventure Time and Regular Show

These two scenes had me in tears!...

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
I was lmao this morning.

About 10 min left into my shift, I hear a huge BANG at the front window.

I'm like WTH was that?!

I go outside to check it out and I see that a bird fell from the sky and crashed into the window.

Now it's body was right at the doormat of the hotel.
I just saw my mom put some sliced cheese and crackers in a paper plate with a glass of wine on some fake fancy **** :lol:

I don't know why, but it had me dying.

NT usually has some laughs for me at least once a day as well.
Looking forward to the content in this thread :lol:

Last time I had a really good laugh was when I watched N-word Turtles, part 1 and 2 on WSHH
Aww bruh so I got this homie I **** with his parents are as haitian as it gets

Now this is around kanyes mercy drop

So me and him are outside chilln on the porch randomly his bird (moms) comes outside spittin the dialoge before the kanyes spits his verse

Bruh when I say It sounded like she was rappin in hatian language

(I forget what its called) but I was weak

Another time was when I went to my cousins house and his mom decided to have him to baby sit

Bad Idea
So this guy decides to play 52 pick up with the kid (lil girl)

Of course she didn't know the point of the game
So he's standing there ******g around with the cards and the girl

He takes the cards and throws them on the top of the kids head and says "now pick em up"
I chucle a lil bit but when that kid turned around and looked at my with that good ol' **** look I lost it ... Good times
A few weeks ago. Got drunk af at my cousin's get together and it was his cousin's first time getting drunk.
He got ****faced and he humiliated him by throwing beer on him and water.


it was so messed up but hilarious

my cousin is very immature .
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