Lakers at Rockets Game 6 Thread 5/14 6:30 pm Vol No Heart

why the !%%% Phil keeping Fish out there? !%%%, are you %!*!%$% kidding me? Famar and Brown made shots, and this @$*%*!+ Fish did nothing
can someone email him or call him or watever to let him know that Fish doing !$+%
we should have tied the game
lakers need to keep this defensive intensity up.

get farmar or shannon in for fish asap. still don't see why phil has fish in when brooks is in.
Fisher has killed all the mo we had.

Farmar has been hitting shots.

Fisher...not so much.

Put farmar or brown in now. Brown is shoot 60% in the playoffs.....

Come on phil!
Everything we get is a long shot. Yao ming is not even playing and we can't get something going to the rim.
Thanks for having an ego Phil
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