Ladies, how many times a day are you approached/harassed?

Yeah I mean, I can't stand when chicks will give out a number, and then never pick up. Just be real and say no thanks. It's weak on their end.
Originally Posted by keithsweatsjordans

I'm actually interested in this. I'm a pretty shy/reserved type of dude, so I usually only approach girls if I can tell the attraction is mutual. I see dudes just walk up behind chicks at a bar and go to work, I just couldn't do it myself.

same here....unless im drunk

Originally Posted by seventh letter

I look at it this way

Ugly girls (5<) probably get approached not too often, but enough to keep a roster of dudes
Mediocre girls (6-7.5) Probably get approached the most, because they are semi-attractive, but not too intimidating... or more approachable
Solid 8's - Dimes, probably get approached less than mediocre girls, because a lot of dudes are scared. That's why you always see sexy girls with real confident dudes aka douches

That's just my theory from observation.

interesting theory there calicam.....makes sense to me
Related question how many of yall NT females have the confidence to approach a guy you like or find attractive?
man u get ur feelings hurt too easily I wasn't taking a shot at you
A mixed signal is when all signs point to go but she's saying no ..... usually all this means is she wants comfort and understanding whereas most guys willstop cold ... like I said there really is no such thing as a mixed signal if you know what you're doing and how to go about getting it ... Also if youdon't get the point of a girl letting a guy down easily then maybe you should do a quick google search on acid attacks in India or other atrocities men doto women because of rejection
Originally Posted by keithsweatsjordans

I'm actually interested in this. I'm a pretty shy/reserved type of dude, so I usually only approach girls if I can tell the attraction is mutual. I see dudes just walk up behind chicks at a bar and go to work, I just couldn't do it myself.
cosign. i mean i have no problem approaching womens, unless i know the attraction is mutual. or if we start chopping it up and we flirting back inforth then ill go in for the number and what not. ive been approached by females trying to get my number at work/public places. had a pregnant chick try to getmy number at my old job
had a thristy chick that was rather attractive go in on me. i gave her my number, and this broad comes back the next day with herdude
they was all hugged up and what not. she called later that night and said she wanted to hang out that night before she left the city
Originally Posted by MaddenFan04

Originally Posted by MF Doomer

Approaching is a waste of time because it reinforces the girl to know that your thirsty.
How else you gonna meet women, like they just walk up to you?
Very rarely does that happen

Same concept goes with meeting people, MOST people aren't going to just talk to you for no reason
Unless your a freshman in college trying to make friends, your not just gonna pick up friends out of thin air
gucci mane said it best. honestly though, i agree with MF doomer or whatever. you really do not have to approach chicks. it seems easier tojust let them come to you. if you take the chill approach and let them come your way you'll be surprised at how many chicks will approach you in somefashion. obviously most of em not bout to HOLLA at you, but they got they lil ways of getting your attention. HATE watchin %%!$ getting gassed. dime,superstar, whatever.

what yall need to do is scoutin chicks with potential tho. thats the best when it comes to wifeworthy chicks
Originally Posted by Master Zik

Related question how many of yall NT females have the confidence to approach a guy you like or find attractive?
Ha, barely! When it comes to the opposite sex, I am still opening up when it comes to interacting with men when it comes to flirting. I think itis because I was in a relationship for a long $%% time,and it was such a bad breakup.So, all that has formed many insecurities for me. Also, I am just stillused to being in a long term relationship and being with that one person. So, I have to break out of that shell and I am less shy than before.

As to answer original topic, if men hit on me, I do not take it serious because I know that if I was not walking by and another girl was instead of me, thatgirl would have been hit on. Sometimes at outings, clubs, or whatever, if a guy approaches my group of friends and hits on one of the girls, and she brusheshim off, he will go and hit on another one. I don't know why some men try to holler at women in immature or disrespectful ways. It is guaranteed they wouldhave a better chance at bagging a girl if they approach her in a respectful and mature manner.
Originally Posted by eight2one

Originally Posted by keithsweatsjordans

I'm actually interested in this. I'm a pretty shy/reserved type of dude, so I usually only approach girls if I can tell the attraction is mutual. I see dudes just walk up behind chicks at a bar and go to work, I just couldn't do it myself.

same here....unless im drunk

Originally Posted by seventh letter

I look at it this way

Ugly girls (5<) probably get approached not too often, but enough to keep a roster of dudes
Mediocre girls (6-7.5) Probably get approached the most, because they are semi-attractive, but not too intimidating... or more approachable
Solid 8's - Dimes, probably get approached less than mediocre girls, because a lot of dudes are scared. That's why you always see sexy girls with real confident dudes aka douches

That's just my theory from observation.

interesting theory there calicam Aubrey "Drake" Graham.....makes sense to me

I usually just like to smile at them

like if we make eye contact, ill smile. and based on her reaction. ill go up to her and talk to her.. if she doesnt smile back then.. am not goin to keepinsisting
theres millions of girls out there =)
Originally Posted by Master Zik

Related question how many of yall NT females have the confidence to approach a guy you like or find attractive?
Hardly ever
I don't have the guts to go up to guys out of the blue, as much as I'd like to think I do. However that's not to sayI'm not confident at all.

But see here, mad props to guys that do have the confidence to approach a girl, but when she is showing blatant signs she's not interested, back off. Justfall back.

I half agree with what Milkshake said, minus the putting in it's not really a relationship. If I want a guy to back off, I'll tell him how it is. Butin saying that, some girls feel rude if they don't accept. Sometimes it's a way out of the situation. (As in, hopefully he'll go away now *crossesfingers*)

Some girls can't be as downright brutal as guys can be.

Just saying... *Kanye shrugs*
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

So you don't view someone "hitting" on you as mature and respectful?
I did not say that. It just depends on how they do it. You really think a girl will answer a man if he is shouting obscenities to her ortelling her to go over to him, yelling across the street about how juicy her thighs/booty are or how he wants to suck on her nipples? Why not just approach herin a decent manner and introduce yourself all the while giving her a nice compliment?
Originally Posted by I Drink Your Milkshake

Originally Posted by knightngale

Originally Posted by I Drink Your Milkshake

Originally Posted by knightngale

Originally Posted by keithsweatsjordans

I'm actually interested in this. I'm a pretty shy/reserved type of dude, so I usually only approach girls if I can tell the attraction is mutual. I see dudes just walk up behind chicks at a bar and go to work, I just couldn't do it myself.
co sign
it is not a good look if you approach a girl that is not feeling you at all

I wish more guys would just get this--don't guilt me into taking your number when it's CLEAR that I don't want it (cuz if I did I would've gave you mine when you asked )

anyways, I don't get asked out alot alot.....but I get approached. My issue is getting approached by people who I actually want to approach me. When I go out I get hit on more (obviously cuz of how I'm dressed) and I am NEVER dressing even remotely decent when I go to Walmart anymore
The whole "damsel in the distress" thing is funny tho cuz when my keys got locked in my car and when I ran out of gas I walked away with numbers ( not quality numbers btw)
If would be easier if the girl actually approached the guy first though cause sometimes you can get mixed signals
guy: ok, so why don't you let me get your number?
girl: (laughs akwardly) nah, I'm cool. Thank you though.
guy: aww c'mon, why not? are you seeing somebody?
girl: well, I am dating someone...but it's not in a relationship
guy: well I mean,we can be friends....I can be there if that don't work out.
girl: (laughs akwards again) c'mon...I just said I don't want to do that.
guy: well, will you take mine?
girl: (reluctantly smile) *pauses* *takes out phone* ok, what is it? *puts it in, does not text or call immediately*
guy: ok, talk to you later
girl: ok.

how in the HELL is that a mixed single??? Please, tell me...
I was not even talking about that. I mean mixed signals BEFORE you approach. Things like body language, eye contact, smiling, etc.
Originally Posted by Master Zik

Related question how many of yall NT females have the confidence to approach a guy you like or find attractive?
Once in a blue moon I'll approach a guy
I usually make eye contact and smile and then he will approach me
Originally Posted by Kim1

Originally Posted by Master Zik

Related question how many of yall NT females have the confidence to approach a guy you like or find attractive?
Once in a blue moon I'll approach a guy
I usually make eye contact and smile and then he will approach me
that isn't really a clear signal tho unless it's real long eye contact.

you might just be smiling bc you're happy or looking at someone behind me

I dunno, I rarely do random hollas anyway. usually get at someone I've been around a few times or one that has mutual friends.
I've approached a few guys. Mostly cuz I'm bored not cuz I'm lookin for anything to come of it. Just something to do and it's most of the timeat a club.
Originally Posted by Kim1

MaddenFan04 wrote:
population 2.4 million

my city, 300k

I'm attracted to black guys and all the black guys in Toronto (21+) you know some way somehow
Just how it is in the city

Q smashed
Originally Posted by finnns2003

Yeah I mean, I can't stand when chicks will give out a number, and then never pick up. Just be real and say no thanks. It's weak on their end.

this happens to me more often than i care to mention

i wouldve respected you more if you had just turned me down in the first place
I wish I had the courage to approach women like that. Well, I mean, as long as they show some sort of interest first, like a smile. I don't think I couldever approach someone I've never seen before and expect to exchange numbers and get to know them better. "HEYYYY, CAN I HAVE YOUR NUMBER?"

Nah man, nah.

"Hi, what's your name" "You look like you need help"

Yada yada, is more practical for me...

I've lost a lot of opportunities, though. I wish more women would take the initiative. But apparently, that's the man's job.

So ladies... what exactly is being approached in a mature and respectful manner?
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