Ladies and gentlemen, my fams puppy needs a name.


formerly rafsjays
Oct 27, 2005
My family got a new puppy, and I've been trying to help them come up with a name but so far no luck.
So who else would I turn to, but NT.

Here she is:


sorry for the blurry pic

My brother came up with ginger
i had a slight panic attack because of how +@*@$+% CUTE SHE IS.

if she grows up to be a big dog, i think athena sounds nice... idk why, but i like greek gods for names as dogs.
I'm a fan of naming animals people names. My last cat's name was kevin (this was before the movie UP to don't care if you believe me). People would come over and be like oh you have a cat and i would just be like o thats kevin. It was entertaining to be like hey kevin stop scratching the couch man.

So since its a girl i say name it Erica.
i was just going to post a thread like this because im getting a puggle next week and i need a name for a boy so if i could get some help too thanks
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