**LA LAKERS THREAD** Sitting on 17! 2023-2024 offseason begins


I’ve been a Laker fan my entire life and not once as the playoffs approached was I thinking to myself “I want the first round to be relaxing”.

Definitely poor word choice there as I’m pretty sure no fans dream of being entertained by a “relaxing” first round.

Also- not once in my life have I ever looked at Portland and said “yikes I don’t want any parts of them in the playoffs!”

That’s a Clipper fan mentality. We don’t do that here.

To be the best you have to beat the best and that means not ducking anybody. Run all the fades in the quest for immortality!

Lakers over Portland in 5 if Portland even makes it that far!
Dude have you been watching the news or followed the national narrative. They are making it seem like the lakers are praying day and night to avoid the almighty Portland Trailblazers.
I am agreeing with you.

I’m saying that if we are afraid of the the freaking blazers, we don’t deserve and or won’t win anyways bc it only gets harder.

and of course I’d prefer a relatively easier matchup for them. Would I be sad if Kawhi harden George Murray joker Westbrook lillard cp3 Mitchell gobert zion Luka all develop acute bloody diarrhea lasting 2 months with eventual full recovery, hell no. But I ain’t afraid bc this team when clicking can beat any of these guys. BUT they aren’t clicking and at the worst possible time
A lot of y’all in here need to get checked for the hype y’all gave Lonzo. I can’t even remember :lol:

but there were many “YoUnG cOrE” guys :lol:
A lot of y’all in here need to get checked for the hype y’all gave Lonzo. I can’t even remember :lol:

but there were many “YoUnG cOrE” guys :lol:
Three years in a row the number 2 pick. Three years in a row we picked poorly lol.
Kristaps. Brown. Tatum. Mitchell. Fox. Booker.
Some are not anyone’s fault. Some are.

then the following two years we don’t get the number 2 pick and Morant and Luka come up.
Blame Magic. I don’t see how you workout Tatum and select lonzo

Lavar’s pancakes can’t be that good.
I think they thought: we have ingram. Can’t take tatum.
Which has always made me wonder why teams don’t just take the best possible player.
I’m still not in the Lonzo sucks camp.

He was playing extremely well right before Covid hit and it really looked like he had turned the corner.

I would also not categorize drafting Ingram as “poor”.
So I guess today is the lakers last game before playoffs. Kings are being sent home and we were suppose to play them in few days.
Lonzo was the hometown/ucla kid, he stock went sky high, and we needed a PG the stars aligned for that pick :lol:
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