LA Consignment Store robbed during Lakers riot

that's bad. everytime a team wins...there is destruction.
even when a team loses...there is still destruction.
people just want to smash and run i guess....

and...i don't think this should be in a Canada forum...
That sucks... although it does look like some guy got away with a pair of SBs in the linked pic.

Why riot? Your team wins & you go & rob, wreck stuff? SMH
Cmon Toronto win one soon so Solestop can get whats coming
ouch...low blow.

back to the topic: are the residents of LA really that ignorant? why would they riot when their home team won the championship? when the jays won back toback world series titles, and when the canadian national hockey team won gold, toronto dwellers celebrated together on the streets of downtown. to myknowledge, i didn't hear about any vandalism, rioting, or any other forms of trouble.
Originally Posted by dimsum1

ouch...low blow.

back to the topic: are the residents of LA really that ignorant? why would they riot when their home team won the championship? when the jays won back to back world series titles, and when the canadian national hockey team won gold, toronto dwellers celebrated together on the streets of downtown. to my knowledge, i didn't hear about any vandalism, rioting, or any other forms of trouble.
well that is good. i just hope that the soccer fans don't go nuts.
i know that when mtl and tdot plays...there is HEAT up in the air...
sad but it is a way of living now
It's part of the sports world I guess, I remember the Habs winning the first round, I think, and people went nuts. Hilarious because they didn'teven win the CUP ! Anyways, fools on those pictures will get theirs, forgetting the "ski mask" FTML !!!
Dudes were probably plottin that for a lonng time.. look at the guy that got 4 pairs asssumably in his size.. BLAM
But really though.. rioting when you win? that's DUMB but at least we don't have soccer riots over here
Originally Posted by mellowg

toronto is gonna have a garbage riot soon enough if !##@ doesnt get settled

LOL for serious - driving by those dump sites is no fun when you are downwind. Hope they settle this soon.
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