Kyle Korver and Omer Asik with the worst flops in basketball history

Originally Posted by grusumm18

This one always gets me
Raja Bell flops, then Ginobili hits him with the counter-flop
Yall forget about Bosh's flop last year against my BULLS when Boozer swung his elbow to secure the ball?.... Not only did he flop... he stay down as if he was hurt... Stern should have fined him and the ref should have gave him a delay of game Warning...
NBA needs to clean all this %%%%!+$% up NOW. Flops should be offensive fouls and a technical for the opposing team. DO it twice and your ejected. Repeat offenders should be fined and suspended. No room in the game for these grown men to be flopping and flailing around the court like little girls. Makes me sick although this thread is comedy.
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