Kornheiser suspended for deriding Hannah Storm's wardrobe

Why the hate for Berman?

Too much too list for me. But I'm bored.

If he was new on the scene maybe I think it might be different. But it's the same stuff from him since the 80's. He's completely ruined the HR Derby (not that it's a big deal obviously, but it's borderline unlistenable for a lot of ppl), his shtick on the NFL platforms was old by the mid-90's, and he provides nothing to the viewer other than kissing every athlete's butt to the point where you could watch him for an entire season and not hear even one peep of critical thinking or statements. That's fine if he was a James Brown-type, but he's not. He often acts like he is the 5th member of "NFL Experts" on his show(s) and we get to hear is stale opinions. And yes he is on the Mt. Rushmore of "Brett Favre is my religion" media members so that also does not help him for me.

Plus for me the fact that for the last 10 years I have had to see him (a sports announcer) hawking countless products every season on my TV sorta put him over the edge for me. There's something about seeing Chris Berman doing commercials for Doritos, then video games, then Applebees, then Nutrisystem (I'm forgetting some too).
Originally Posted by FrenchBlue23
Hannah Storm is like a fine wine....she's gotten MUCH better w. age.

You're kiddin yourself if you don't think she's sexy in that commercial w. Dwight Howard.
Originally Posted by Rudemiester

"I know I'm not supposed to be critical of ESPN people, like if I point out that people say that they lost 50 or 60 pounds have actually gained all the weight back..." (Co-host interrupts: "And then some..gained the weight back, back, back, back."


took me a second, but when i realized what he did there i was
Originally Posted by iLL I AM

When my man VIIHeaven reads this, chances are he'll cry.
I stand by homie TK

You know ESPN was just taking a pre-caution because of all the sexual lawsuits going on there.

Hannah Storm do look

No doubt she could get it, but that dress some seem a bit short and tight for a newscaster.
[h1]Kornheiser Gets Two-Week Suspension For On-Air Comments, And Other Things Of Note[/h1]

ESPN's John Skipper responded to the suspension of Tony Kornheiser, but there's more to the story than the press release shipped out of Bristol. Observe.

From Skipper:

Tony Kornheiser's comments about Hannah Storm were entirely inappropriate. Hurtful and personal comments such as these are not acceptable and have significant consequences. Tony has been suspended from PTI for two weeks. Hannah is a respected colleague who has been an integral part of the success of our morning SportsCenter."

This suspension will have a financial impact on Kornheiser, I'm told, which is unfortunate because I was looking forward to imagining John Skipper or his royal Norbyness using the "World needs plenty of bah-tendas! Two weeks, with pay!" line from The Departed. But I've been told that would not be accurate. What I've also been told, for the sake of accuracy via people whose job it is to make sure these things are accurate, is that Kornheiser's comments about Storm were not the only ones that were "being reviewed" by ESPN brass; rather, it was the "totality" of his comments that got him in trouble, meaning, that yes, the Kornheiser/Gary Braun pile-on about Berman's weight was also considered demeaning to ESPN personnel.

But why was Kornheiser's punishment so severe? People who have worked closely with ESPN higher-ups throughout their career point to Norby's close relationship with Berman. Meaning, Berman's a made guy. Here's a quote that, unfortunately, cannot be attributed to anyone because these are the type of concessions we make to disclose larger truths about Bristol High, but it says a lot: "You're forced to apologize if you make fun of Hannah Storm. You get suspended if you make fun of Chris Berman."

ESPN doesn't have any hard-and-fast rules for handing out suspensions to its staff, according to a person whose job it is to make sure these things are accurate. Each incident is treated on an individual basis, be it inappropriate hugging, taking cellphone pictures of your +$*+, or playfully calling Bud Selig a pimp. This, in ESPN's mind, is the best way to handle each personnel incident; the problem, however, is that personal opinions and company fiefdoms inevitably come into play. Tony Kornheiser's verdict was two weeks, and a financial implication that will not be disclosed, but he's already served time, so he'll be back on PTI March 5.

Also — and this is important — Hannah Storm did not push for this suspension. She was a little hurt, a little annoyed, but other than that, she doesn't dive into the interoffice justice game. She just wants to talk into the camera, look pretty, and go home and play with her kids. She is bemused by any coverage of her wardrobe, mostly because she does not think it's that big of a deal. The boots, however, are still banned.
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