Kobe X Official Thread Elite Series ‘Elite Team’ April 18th, ‘Elevate’ May 15th, ‘Rose Gold’ June 5

Oic gotcha

I wish I could get my paws on some MP 9s still but its w/e

FK lows tho, worth waiting for definitely

But them Roses, I cant pass on them bad boys
I hear ya, I'm sure I'll be running out of daily rep to give when people start posting pics of those, I'm just looking to be more selective now on the 10s. I feel like I get more use out of the lows than the highs.
Anyone have a favorite in the wishful thinking of the HTMs? I mean there is the sleight chance of getting lucky on the US release. I think I dig the Shark Blk/White the most...the MC is too close to Mamba Moments iD for me and that blacks are meh. 
Anyone have a favorite in the wishful thinking of the HTMs? I mean there is the sleight chance of getting lucky on the US release. I think I dig the Shark Blk/White the most...the MC is too close to Mamba Moments iD for me and that blacks are meh. 
I'd probably go with MC, just because its pretty unique. I feel like if we get black ID options on fk,  the black pair will be a similar option to make. Black/white would be a close second for me.
I'd probably go with MC, just because its pretty unique. I feel like if we get black ID options on fk,  the black pair will be a similar option to make. Black/white would be a close second for me.
That's a good point. But that's assuming we're getting the options...one can only hope. But I will say last years HTM FK weaves were straight fiiiiire compared to these.
I hear ya, I'm sure I'll be running out of daily rep to give when people start posting pics of those, I'm just looking to be more selective now on the 10s. I feel like I get more use out of the lows than the highs.

U aint never lyin on the whole selective bit

I havent chosen a Kobe X yet to buy

I mean I have(Easters) but bills came around last week and Ive not looked back at them since, specially with the showing of the HTMs

Im being very selective with this model..I like the Flights(Not 5AMs),but Im passing

My eyes are zoned in on the Roses, and I need 1 low for the summer and Im done..
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Im being very selective with this model..I like the Flights(Not 5AMs),but Im passing
That's the other pair that I was down for was the Flights. I got the 5AM, Blackout & ASG so far, thought we were going to see that DeRozan black/silver pair, was going to settle with the Flights, but now its Flyknit or bust.
If I was in the line for the htm release and they said to line up at that line I would pick the black/white pair since that would be the least popular pair out of the 3. Better chance at getting a pair haha. Same goes for online release. I don't want to miss out or not get my size.

The MC looks nice in the birds eye view(have that as my wallpaper on one of my tablet). From the side, the flyknit looks like just one color, green on one side and orange/red on the other, in some pics I saw.

The beethoven-esque one, has a nice Swoosh detail but I already have the BHM IX so I don't want another pair that'll get dirty easily or the white part getting stained.
@Super StarLord

I forgot about the Derozan pair

Was targeting them also

That simple black CW just goes IMO
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If I was in the line for the htm release and they said to line up at that line I would pick the black/white pair since that would be the least popular pair out of the 3. Better chance at getting a pair haha. Same goes for online release. I don't want to miss out or not get my size.

The MC looks nice in the birds eye view(have that as my wallpaper on one of my tablet). From the side, the flyknit looks like just one color, green on one side and orange/red on the other, in some pics I saw.

The beethoven-esque one, has a nice Swoosh detail but I already have the BHM IX so I don't want another pair that'll get dirty easily or the white part getting stained.
You hit the nail on the head with the MC...love the look from birds eye view, but then side just doesn't cut it really. Never scooped the Beethoven IX so the Shark HTM X would be my choice....if I was in line and getting lucky. Only IX lows I got were MC iD when the second batch went up...and now that the weather is heating up in the midwest I can rock em' again until my HTMs come in the mail...in my dreams 
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Does anyone know if there will be a rose gold kobe hat and how it will look? 

Only found a Lebron and KD hat on ndc and they look nice imo
Pretty sure that Nike regrets this shoe. If it takes an HTM release to get people excited you know the model is a waste. Glad I have plenty of IVs Vs and VIs laying around. I feel bad for the new collectors. Nike is letting you down.

If they do its their own fault. I actually like the shoe but the pricing is ridic; and based on how these are moving it looks like a lot of other people think the same. You can't keep giving people the same tech in a different design and charge more and more for it.
Like someone said yesterday, those Shark Jaws are just BHM lows

They nice, but they still are just bhm lows on a X sole IJS

Racecars and Mamba Arrowhead that I wont be able to obtain are the fire of the 3 IMO
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Like someone said yesterday, those Shark Jaws are just BHM lows

They nice, but they still are just bhm lows on a X sole IJS

Racecars and Mamba Arrowhead that I wont be able to obtain are the fire of the 3 IMO
That's fine BHM's were nice to. Just can't go wrong with chiaroscuro effect from black to white
I really like the Racecar CW, reminds me of MM 9's , i totally slept

The average person has zero % chance  of getting one of these .

I don't get why some are upset about a guy standing in line and selling his spot/pair.It happens all the time  with iphones etc.

Last time i checked, people were selling their time for money, for  hundreds of years 
So apparently my brother stopped by the store in Milan again after work today and was moved up significantly on the list for a pair. If this actually happens for me I'm gonna retire from sneakers haha
Seriously that would be awesome, what pair are you having him go after?
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