Kobe vs Lebron

Originally Posted by YoungAllen

Ok, lets discuss something. Upon Lebron's entry into the NBA, Nike immediately singed Lebron; in fact he had his contract before he even signed his NBA contract. So with that being said, you knew Nike would pump lot's of money into product development for Lebron's sig shoe. Now the problem I have is that there seems to be less innovation pumped into Kobe's sig shoe. Lebron is a great player but he's not Kobe, who is the best player in the league right now. Take for instance Lebron's latest shoe vs Kobe's latest shoe. Lebron's shoe is definitely a vast leap forward from his last shoe but Kobe's new shoes seems to just be a prototype of the last shoe that wasn't selected for retail at that time. So the question is why does it seem that Nike puts more into Lebron sig shoes and not Kobe's, who is clearly the best player in the league? Your thoughts?

Holla back!!!
Kobe 1-4 were huge in terms of innovation. Yeah the leap from 4-5 isn't huge but you can't say Kobe's kicks haven't evolved.
As far as Im concerned Kobe's have always had more innovation compared to the LeBron line. The 2k4s were classics, as were the ZK1s. The ZK3s set a newstandard as far as what a basketball shoe could look like, and then the IV managed to top that by being a great on court shoe as well as an off courtstatement. The key difference in their lines? Aside from the amount of attention given to each player (I think Rock has said that Kobe has more resources thanLeBron as far as designers/the team behind the line) , its the DESIGNER. Eric Avar is in my opinion the greatest designer in the game. LeBron until recentlyhad Ken Link, and Petrie took over for the VII. I cant even judge Link, for all we know he couldve had great ideas that Nike wouldn't green light for somereason.

And Kobe is a better player than LeBron. LeBron is a better ATHLETE, but it ends there. Its like Porsche vs. Corvette - refinement versus brute force.Kobe's game is close to flawless, and his footwork is almost artistic. That makes him compelling to watch. LeBron catches your attention when hisathleticism is taking over his game. Thats it.
The great debate!� i hate it when people use rings as a comparison.� i guess Adam Morison is better than lebron since he got a ring.��� anyways yalll know howi feel, peep the avy.
Originally Posted by andyMR3

i hate it when people use rings as a comparison. i guess Adam Morison is better than lebron since he got a ring. anyways yalll know how i feel, peep the avy.


I still cant get past the fact that he got a ring for sitting courtside of the Finals...I guess Jack Nicholson should get a ring too
I'll say it again for the *intellectually challenged*, those who think that I am simply here to stir up controversy. Also, I am ver secure in my sexuality,so when I state that LeBron is the SEXIER athlete, it is true! Kobe cannot appear in ads where LeBron can, and Nike and the rest of Madison Avenue knows this!LeBron can and will get more exposure, and again is the BETTER PLAYER. During interviews last year on TNT, ALL of the analysts said that if LeBron were on lastyears Laker team, and if Kobe were on the Cavs, the Lakers would have broken records! If Kobe were on the Cavs? They would have gotten beaten even worse by theMagic! I agree with those in the studio wholeheartedly! So to suggest that I am "dumb", is to suggest that a whole lot of people are quite"dumb" right along with me!

Wanna talk rings? Well, DR. J was the best player in basketball for a long time, then didn't get a ring until Moses got to Philly. Does that mean that atthe time before Moses arrived, that the Doc wasn't the best?

He was the best, as LeBron is right now. Starting a franchise right now, you'd take Kobe over LeBron, with his femme, high maintenance attitude?

Every GM in the league would choose LeBron over Kobe, hands down. he can play more positions WELL, as was proven in the Olympics, and Kobe Bryant is onedimensional, only being able to play ONE position effectively and NO! Kobe Bryant has never made anyone better, other than himself! From airballs in theplayoffs, then being able to do what he does now? He is very good, but the best?

Jordan is the best ever, but LeBron's upside is waaaayyyy better than Kobe's, then much easier to deal with!

On a another note, I'd bet that Lebron would never call a teammates wife, then leave a threatening message about what her husband may be doing while on theroad!


LeBrons shoes and marketability >>>>>> Kobe's anything
Originally Posted by emmanuelabor

what can Lebron do that Kobe cannot do?

Imtimidate in the lane, guard bigger defenders, damn near put up triple doubles every night, because he isn't a SELFISH ^%$#!, change a game on thedefensive end, and many more things that Kobe cannot do.
Originally Posted by Dark Chocolate

During interviews last year on TNT, ALL of the analysts said that if LeBron were on last years Laker team, and if Kobe were on the Cavs, the Lakers would have broken records! If Kobe were on the Cavs? They would have gotten beaten even worse by the Magic! I agree with those in the studio wholeheartedly! So to suggest that I am "dumb", is to suggest that a whole lot of people are quite "dumb" right along with me!

Well, yeah.
well frobe is in his prime will start to taper soon. bron has yet to hit his prime although he looks like he's closing in very fast. bron is only in his7th year...so i say give it time and then ppl will have more concrete numbers and accolades to compare.
Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

Originally Posted by Dark Chocolate

During interviews last year on TNT, ALL of the analysts said that if LeBron were on last years Laker team, and if Kobe were on the Cavs, the Lakers would have broken records! If Kobe were on the Cavs? They would have gotten beaten even worse by the Magic! I agree with those in the studio wholeheartedly! So to suggest that I am "dumb", is to suggest that a whole lot of people are quite "dumb" right along with me!

Well, yeah.

So, we are dumb for disagreeing with you, right?
Originally Posted by Dark Chocolate

Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

Originally Posted by Dark Chocolate

During interviews last year on TNT, ALL of the analysts said that if LeBron were on last years Laker team, and if Kobe were on the Cavs, the Lakers would have broken records! If Kobe were on the Cavs? They would have gotten beaten even worse by the Magic! I agree with those in the studio wholeheartedly! So to suggest that I am "dumb", is to suggest that a whole lot of people are quite "dumb" right along with me!

Well, yeah.

So, we are dumb for disagreeing with you, right?

That's not the only reason.
Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

Originally Posted by Dark Chocolate

Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

Originally Posted by Dark Chocolate

During interviews last year on TNT, ALL of the analysts said that if LeBron were on last years Laker team, and if Kobe were on the Cavs, the Lakers would have broken records! If Kobe were on the Cavs? They would have gotten beaten even worse by the Magic! I agree with those in the studio wholeheartedly! So to suggest that I am "dumb", is to suggest that a whole lot of people are quite "dumb" right along with me!

Well, yeah.

So, we are dumb for disagreeing with you, right?

That's not the only reason.

State your case! Since we don't agree with you that,
- Nike is the best
- and Kobe is too
you are calling people, "dumb", right?

To be honest, the person who cannot fathom that someone diagrees with them, then calling those who disagree with him "dumb", is the real idiot.

I'm just sayin'...
kobe has been first team all defense in the nba every year but three years since 1999 and two of those three years he was second team all defense so iwouldn't say he can't change the game on the defensive end plus kobe has usually had one or two legitimate big men playing with that reduced his needto rebound...lebron has had drew gooden big z and a washed up ben wallace so i would say the cavs need lebron to rebound more than the lakers ever needed kobeto rebound
They're both great.

First two pics if they weren't captains in a park game

can we stop the bickering now?
Originally Posted by emmanuelabor

what can Lebron do that Kobe cannot do?


what can Kobe do that Lebron cannot do? knock down a jump shot CONSISTANTLY
that should end all debates right there. When Lebron can shoot jumpshots consistantly, then he will take the crown as the best player. Theyre both great players in their own rights, but right now Kobe can do everything Lebron can AND he can hit jumpshots(and freethrows) consistantly...plus I'd give him the edge in the mental, but I think that comes moreso with games played on the highest level

onto the shoes......I think the difference comes in the fact that Kobe has been through NUMEROUS shoes and really knows what he wants from a shoe. It seems like each Lebron shoe thus far is an expirement to see what works and what doesnt work. I think thats why Kobe's shoes will continue to be similar to its predecessor. lebrons shoes seem like a departure from the previus shoe.
as far as marketing...i think Lebron is more marketable cause he doesnt seem as stern and serious as Kobe. Kobe for the most part seems to be all about business and having that killer instinct. lebron is more youthful and has a funny side that we dont see in Kobe.....just look at last years game introductions. You'd never see Kobe doing that. Look at Lebrons chalk display before games....he's more outgoing with his personality, so I think that plays a part. The boxes? thats really an issue? I mean I do think its sorta weird to buy a sig shoe and have it come in the GR orange box, but its not really an issue in my book really cause if Im playin in the shoe, the box is the last thing on my mind

EL.. I couldn't have said this better myself. I am a fan of Bron but I am a firm believer of your above statement completely. You are also correct inyour assessment of Lebrons line compared to Kobes. Kobes seem to be an evolution of its previous....where Brons shoes were continuous in Zoom til now, butmoreso a change with each release and the Soldier change in the playoffs which I've always disagreed with for the mere fact he could win a Chip in a teamshoe thus makin THAT shoe a Signature shoe trumping his Sig Line intended to be THE shoe that takes his game to new heights.
From a business standpoint Nike finally found a Kobe shoe that sold well and chose not to deviate too far away from the style. You see this year after year inthe automobile industry, among others. Rarely do you see a "completely redesigned" new Ford until they need to boost the sales of a line that islosing sales or vastly under-performing. The Chrysler 300 was overhauled 5+ years ago and has largely remained the exact same automobile because it works.
If you think of Lebron and Kobe's likeness as a commodity (exactly what they are) then you understand that from Nike's view there is a greater sense ofurgency to sell more shoes within the Lebron line ( and at a higher price). Nike is paying 125% more for the use of Lebron's name than they are forKobe's and in turn would like to see the same disparity on the sales sheets. They realized that this would never happen, after 6 years, with a Zoom Lebronshoe and decided to completely redesign his line. I can think of another endorsed line that took off after the implementation of a visible air unit and I'msure Nike did as well.
I can assure you that Nike does not take into consideration who the better player is as it's not quantifiable when it comes to meeting budgets.

My personal opinion is that Lebron is a the most exciting player to watch since MJ ( I don't count the Wizards years). I would care more about Kobe'schampionships if I myself was getting fitted for a ring, but I'm not. Until that happens I'll view the NBA as entertainment.

For the record I live in LA and have seen Kobe (several times) and Lebron (HS and NBA) play in person.
^^ That there folks is a well thought out and sensible thought process behind it. Its substantiated with facts too.

I like it.
i can tell who actually knows basketball in here.

lebron is better than kobe ever was. hes a physical beast, and yes, thats why hes better than him. lebron has a better all around game than kobe. the onlything kobe's got on lebron right now is a jumper and that'll soon fade with the experience that bron will get. you honestly have to bo outside of yourmind to even ask yourself this question right now.
this debate can go on forever. but as far as im concerned..i love watching both guys. and both are the greatest in their own rights.
drfunk1980 wrote:
From a business standpoint Nike finally found a Kobe shoe that sold well and chose not to deviate too far away from the style. You see this year after year in the automobile industry, among others. Rarely do you see a "completely redesigned" new Ford until they need to boost the sales of a line that is losing sales or vastly under-performing. The Chrysler 300 was overhauled 5+ years ago and has largely remained the exact same automobile because it works.

Well put analogy; as did Lexus with the GS 300. I thought they'd never redesign that car.

If you go solely on stats & individual accolades, one would say LeBron, but that's because of the evolution of the game of basketball itself. Everygeneration has accomplished one stat or another faster than those from the previous era. But overall, as in who's the better COMPLETE basketball player;COMPLETE in EVERY area of the game mentally, physically, competitively, etc., it has to be Kobe. LeBron doesn't want to win yet & he only plays welloff of sheer athleticism & God given talent. He doesn't study the game. Once he does that, he's gonna be ridiculous.
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