Knicks Fans Who You Going For? NBA Finals

rooting against a city is an option..... rooting against a player is yet another option

but what people should root for or against is the philosophy....the style. if you like soft and finesse style, then root for the lakers. if you like tough/hardeastern conference style, then root for the celtics. but if you decide to root for the finesse style, you're a bunch of pansies....might as well root forthe suns and the mavs......
its simple swagonomics

if Knicks want to be apart of winners they would be stupid to root against the swag show
I don't know what it is, but I feel like if the Lakers don't make the playoffs for some reason and the Knicks are going on a magic run, I'd root for them. like if our situation were reversed, I'd be going for the Knicks to win. it could be just rooting for the other big city in the U.S. to succeed. Idk
*!%! the Celtics

*!%! Boston

Go Lakers

At least the Pats are chokers and couldnt win
lakers....celts fans r all bandwagon jumpers and my boys have jumped on the bandwagon.......i need them to lose, all mass sports need to lose
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