Kissing on the first date?

you cant predetermine your actions and say "okay i will or will not kiss so and so on our first date"

just go with the flow and if you guys are vibing then a kiss is imminent. do things on whim, not on principle.
Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

you cant predetermine your actions and say "okay i will or will not kiss so and so on our first date"

just go with the flow and if you guys are vibing then a kiss is imminent. do things on whim, not on principle.
lol....hahahaha if i could get da kiss da minute i get the number it's on no slippage lol
Originally Posted by JayHood23

Originally Posted by soltheman

yo, you gay doggy?
Being a box of rocks ftl

Dating unattractive (and unkissable) women ftl.
naw, id never kiss on a first date

maybe a kiss on the cheek (maybe second date)

but she def gets a hug..i like to take baby steps
Originally Posted by wanksta23

naw, id never kiss on a first date

maybe a kiss on the cheek (maybe second date)

but she def gets a hug..i like to take baby steps

Leave em wanting more.
Originally Posted by Apollo Greed

Originally Posted by wanksta23

naw, id never kiss on a first date

maybe a kiss on the cheek (maybe second date)

but she def gets a hug..i like to take baby steps

Leave em wanting more.
If you're trying to wife, but I think if you're trying to smash ASAP it's usually better to get things rolling as fast as you can.Depends on the girl too, if she's reserved then keep her waiting.
shhhhhhhhhiiiieee...........I go in for the kill...saves me some time...
I've only kissed on the first date about 4 times in my entire life [2 wouldn't really count as dates, more like a chill session.] I only kiss girlsthat I like, and there are a lot of girls who I've been with that I didn't really like all like that. Just liked certain things about them, not reallytheir personalities.
So by your logic a girls breath may only stink on the first date? Why is the other dates different isnt it a possibility that her breath might stink on the 2ndor 3rd date?
Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

you cant predetermine your actions and say "okay i will or will not kiss so and so on our first date"

just go with the flow and if you guys are vibing then a kiss is imminent. do things on whim, not on principl*e.
*Taking notes*
Some of yall completely missed the point, but thats expected when someone makes a comment and everybody follows suit, everybody seems to be a follower nowadays
Originally Posted by sn00pee

Originally Posted by JayHood23

I usually am apprehensive when it comes to kissing a chick on the first date, mainly cuz I'm afraid that her breath might smell dumpster juice or a hot toilet. How do ya'll feel about this?

if youre thinking this on the first date, youre dating the wrong women. not smashing.
For me, if the vibe isn't there, I don't go in. But I usually just grab them towards the end and go for it. I usually drop hints throughthe night too.
i could understand if you said you were weary of mono or herpes or something but bad breathe....C'mon son
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