Kirk Hinrich bad pass? (PTI)

Kirk Hinrich was booed badly by the Chicago crowd for that. Kirk's a fan favorite over his last four seasons mainly as a result of his defense. But thisseason is worse than his rookie season. I'm not so sure Kirk had a moment as bad as this one going back to High School.
When you're 3-10, seeing stuff like that kills you. Kirk should've just gone for the lay up.

Ugh. That was so ugly and just attests so much to their level of play this year. Hinrich's shooting 34.6% this year, maybe he thought he'd miss thelayup.
id blame it on noah, you want to reward your big man for getting a steal and thats what hinrich was doing. noah should have been ready for it. hinrich shouldhave thrown it off the backboard or something though
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

How do you blame it on Noah, its ALWAYS the passer's fault.
Always huh?? You must not play basketball...cuz if you had you would there's plenty of times when the guy isn't ready for the ball when heshould be (Noah)... or doesn't make the right read and cut where he should.... Point guards do what Kirk tried to do all the just so happens thatNoah wasn't ready so it looks bad....It's just as much Noah's fault as it is Kirks
Who the hell is blaming Noah?
I am cause if you played hell even watched basketball (being sarcastic) you've saw that a gang of times just nobody as stupid as this bumbNoah that I was against drafting in the first place. This dude is not making me a believer at all but I'm hoping I'm wrong.

Always huh?? You must not play basketball...cuz if you had you would there's plenty of times when the guy isn't ready for the ball when he should be (Noah)... or doesn't make the right read and cut where he should.... Point guards do what Kirk tried to do all the just so happens that Noah wasn't ready so it looks bad....It's just as much Noah's fault as it is Kirks
Always huh?? You must not play basketball...cuz if you had you would there's plenty of times when the guy isn't ready for the ball when he should be (Noah)... or doesn't make the right read and cut where he should.... Point guards do what Kirk tried to do all the just so happens that Noah wasn't ready so it looks bad....It's just as much Noah's fault as it is Kirks

I play plenty of basketball (probably more than you have), and that pass was bad. Kirk basically assumed somebody was there and just threw the ball back.It's not like they were running a play and Noah was supposed to be there, it was a fast break. Noah SHOULD have been there, but its Kirk's fault forassuming.

Were his intentions good? Sure, he's the PG and trying to get his teammate a point, but you turn your head to make sure somebody is there, not just throwthe ball away assuming you have a trailer.

The pass was also a very poor one.
^ The video is a few posts up.

I'd say it was both their fault but Hinrich probably should of just layed it up 'cause he was all alone. Especially when you have as bad a record asthe Bulls, you need every easy bucket. No time to show off.
It is Noah's fault, why run down if you cant even catch the ball? ...he'll probably take a jumpshot if theres a defender present..

it's a very simple play, 9 out of 10 a point guard would do the same..
Kirk isnt having a good year....ugh

and yeah, he should of layed it in himself. Noah was a good 3-4 steps behind him.
It is Noah's fault, why run down if you cant even catch the ball?
To follow up in case Hinrich somehow misses the layup.

it's a very simple play, 9 out of 10 a point guard would do the same..
Yeah, but not so poorly.

Noah was a good 15 feet away and clearly had no idea Hinrich was going to give it up to him. It wasn't a "Jason Kidd/VinceCarter-we-do-this-all-the-time-and-know-what-to-expect" kind of thing. Plus, as stated, it was a horrible pass.
Were his intentions good? Sure, he's the PG and trying to get his teammate a point, but you turn your head to make sure somebody is there, not just throw the ball away assuming you have a trailer.

The pass was also a very poor one.
I'll give you the pass wasn't good but your tv must be messed up if you didn't see him turn around to look. Everybody covering forthis piece of turd Noah. The pass was bad but it wasn't bad enough where any of us in that same situation wouldn't made the passer look like a joke.
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