Kingsman Franchise: The King's Man -- Out 12.22.21

not on this one but if the prequel does well then vaughn said he has another sequel in mind to conclude eggys story

this one stars Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Gemma Arterton, and Ralph Fiennes so far
They tried to money grab with that last one and it was subpar. Glad they are actually doing this prequel.
seemed like vaughn isnt really about the $$$ or else he would have directed kickass 2

i am actually surprised he only has 6 films to his credit but he doesn't seem like he is chasing the money and kingsman is actually his baby so i think he genuinely cares for it and just went a bit overboard with the second one
i'm a huge fan of dude, especially since he has at least put out something good within the last couple of years.. unlike the guy he started out working with, unfortunately (although i havent seen aladdin.. man from UNCLE was aiiright i guess, just felt lackluster)
I’m still mad he killed off Lancelot bae in the first few minutes of the 2nd one. So dumb.
Saw it today, good film. A few similarities cinematography wise to the first two but this was strong enough to be it's own movie unrelated to the series
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