Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

How the hell you getting sonned by a herbivore...

cmon, horses, bulls, bisons, elephants can take out the entire animal kingdom easily
Originally Posted by The Notorious Bum

That isn't even funny if that was my dog that dear would've got it.
Always keep my 9 on deck for home invasions or what ever pops off that isn't right.

and if you got your gun permit in AZ you good money!

See now that's peddy.

Why you gotta bring a gun into an all "natural" fight.

The dog has more than enough weapons to take out that deer. If it can't then that's a shame.

Granted in this particular situation, a dog may not have asked for a fight...but shouldn't have taken that beating like it did.

How would you feel if a deer pulled out a knife on your cat?

I mean condolences to the dog if dead.

But that deer was just reacting in protection of its young.
It's an natural instinct.

Can't knock it for that.
Originally Posted by THE FAME

Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

How the hell you getting sonned by a herbivore...

That dog really aint about that life...

Son got beaten into submission.

That dog showed no killer instincts once-so-ever.

Might as well stay in the house....
I never do this but...

Sorry man.

Anyways, where did this take place???
That dog was just chillin too

Deer was prolly on some crazy jail type #%#!... "You look at me? Yo son why you lookin at me? You got a problem?"
Originally Posted by The Notorious Bum

That isn't even funny if that was my dog that dear would've got it.
Always keep my 9 on deck for home invasions or what ever pops off that isn't right.

and if you got your gun permit in AZ you good money!

dam right!
Originally Posted by The Notorious Bum

That isn't even funny if that was my dog that dear would've got it.
Always keep my 9 on deck for home invasions or what ever pops off that isn't right.

and if you got your gun permit in AZ you good money!

all you gotta be is 21 in az... S!!! you dont even need a permit to conceal now...

i wonder why it ran up on the dog as soon as it saw it but gave the cat a pass until the end.
1. Where's the rest of the vid? I'm mad they edited it. I want to see how it ended.

2. Dog is dumb. How you gonna be casually strolling down the block like there isn't a big #%$ deer charging at you? If the dog would've barked or growled I bet the deerr wouldn't have been as buck and would've backed the hell up. Deers aint about that life.

3. I want to see that deer try that on a real dog that's not just going to sit their and get stomped out like a *#**%. I'm bet you no rotweiler would be having that mess.

Deer is stupid as hell. That dog could've been a wolf or something. It's mind its own biz...then the deer runs up on it...boom now you're dead you stupid deer.
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