Kids from Cali react to gay marriage(15min)

The same Christians who lash out on gay marriage and references the bible on its evils like to pick and choose which parts of the bible they follow. On some "nahhhh, B. That part doesn't apply to me."

Exactly. It boggles my mind that people vehemently discriminate gays yet on the other spectrum are committing sins like having premarital sex, getting tattoos, etc. Is that just conveniently ignored because you don't want it to apply to you? You know, if you want to deem yourself a Christian you actually have to follow the rules.
I never understood how ANYONE could care if two men or two woman got married. 

If you break it down who cares?

If anyone thinks they have a right to tell two CONSENTING  ADULTS doing something POSITIVE for themselves what to do then this can't be America
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FOH troll
Troll? Is that ur best response. Every one got their own opinion, right? God made a male and female for a reason. It doesn't take a scientist to know two of the same gender can't reproduce. Your doing it wrong, bro. If it wasn't for your parents you wouldn't be here. Human extinction the future now?
Clearly we're headed towards extinction because everyone is turning gay.  That is one of the dumbest arguments regarding homosexuality out there.

You do realize that homosexuality existed WAY before our time on earth.  News flash: we're nowhere near extinction.  Just the opposite in fact...until someone blows up the earth.  They may or may not be gay.
I never understood how ANYONE could care if two men or two woman got married. 

If you break it down who cares?

If anyone thinks they have a right to tell two CONSENTING  ADULTS doing something POSITIVE for themselves what to do then this can't be America

You must be new here :lol:
You're making a lot of broad generalizations.

All Christians don't hate gays. All Christians aren't against gay rights.

Pure assumption. Is that my fault? Yes.

I realize that they are people who support gays who are Christian. I know quite a few. But historically, gays have been persecuted against Christians. That's fact.
Inserting your penis inside of a persons rectum, the hole which they defecate from, in an attempt to simulate the reproductive act of vaginal sex for ones own physical pleasure and stimulation is indeed vile and likely an indicator of serious mental issues in my opinion. Come at me.
What about when a male and female engage in the same?  If your girl wants you to **** her in the *** you ask her to seek counseling for her vile ways because she's clearly in need of mental health?

What about when a male inserts his penis into a female's mouth, the same place she eats with?  Are they vile and do they have serious mental issues?  Just her?  What about if you masturbate?  

Also, once again, the issue with homosexuality is clearly JUST about gay males.  Clearly two women going down on each other, using toys, scissoring, etc is perfectly normal and their "choice" is okay as it provides you with something to jerk off to but if it's the "choice" of two men, VILE!  They're mentally unstable and disgusting!
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Inserting your penis inside of a persons rectum, the hole which they defecate from, in an attempt to simulate the reproductive act of vaginal sex for ones own physical pleasure and stimulation is indeed vile and likely an indicator of serious mental issues in my opinion. Come at me.
I don't think it is that cut in dry.  Did you ever think of the women's part in it?

Some woman love it

Some woman would like to try it once.

Some women actually request it.

Or maybe it just feels good to both parties???
Inserting your penis inside of a persons rectum, the hole which they defecate from, in an attempt to simulate the reproductive act of vaginal sex for ones own physical pleasure and stimulation is indeed vile and likely an indicator of serious mental issues in my opinion. Come at me.

I'm pretty sure you're the one with some serious mental issues for being such a closed minded bigot, in my opinion.
I never understood how ANYONE could care if two men or two woman got married. 

If you break it down who cares?

If anyone thinks they have a right to tell two CONSENTING  ADULTS doing something POSITIVE for themselves what to do then this can't be America
This isnt America 

all these macho dudes worried about dudes packing each others fudge..

why is that such an issue for you "straight" dudes? 

same dudes that would picture frank ocean smashing them whenever they would hear his songs.
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Bateman said "The end is coming,can't wait for you clowns to get destroyed" as if for some reason he's special enough to be spared. Just one of those typical illiterate NTers who try to sound like they have a grasp on reality
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Batiman is just another one too engrossed in themselves to explore the thought that they're not as intelligent, fall back, do some soul searching. No, let's just blurt out stupidity with pure arrogance behind it. NT doesn't have a spot for me anymore, the ratio to that side is getting a bit too much.
I think a lot of you missed my post. It's not about homosexuality.

Kids will absorb whatever you show them, as you "progress" the younger generation will automatically move in that direction. So whatever were all going there.

The idea is that bringing attention to the idea of sexuality to 6 year olds is the poison.
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I think a lot of you missed my post. It's not about homosexuality.

Kids will absorb whatever you show them, as you "progress" the younger generation will automatically move in that direction. So whatever were all going there.

The idea is that bringing attention to the idea of sexuality to 6 year olds is the poison.

I'll take your word for it partly because it wasn't the most offensive comment but that sounds like some serious backtracking.
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