Kendrick Lamar kicks fan off stage for saying the N word

Where did I say people in this thread were outraged?

You keep typing up stuff that I never said.

YOU brought up selective outrage theory, I responded to it.

I don't feel like people in this thread are outraged, besides the one dude who chose to personally attack me because we disagreed on something.

Anyway, I'm in need of a nap.

Enjoy the rest of your evening, sir.
Why are you getting caught up in a word. Yes, I used it because you were saying about dudes not "check people". In my opinion, someone has to reach a certain level of displeasure to be willing to do that, so I used outrage as a level about simple displeasure.

I don't want to get hung up on semantics so I will remove that part.

Enjoy your beauty rest pa

Why cant you guys make up your own term of endearment? You dont see Black dudes calling other Black dudes Papi.

Plenty of black dudes in the hood use the word papi when talking to Latinos, ain’t no Latino gonna lose his mind over the hood is all love between blacks and Latinos....I find it more immature than disrespectful to actively have that word in your vocabulary tbh.....seeing grown men publically saying it, even black men just comes off cringy
Plenty of black dudes in the hood use the word papi when talking to Latinos, ain’t no Latino gonna lose his mind over the hood is all love between blacks and Latinos....I find it more immature than disrespectful to actively have that word in your vocabulary tbh.....seeing grown men publically saying it, even black men just comes off cringy
Yea Black dudes call Latinos Papi but not other Black dudes papi. They use N. I think a lot of people grow up and stop using it as much. But were always ninjas so we use it on occassion .
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I TT: Plenty of additions to the "double secret" SWS list!
The race detectives have their double standard race card kit ready!
I've already said I don't use the word.

There is selective outrage, it's not a theory, I've seen it 1st hand.

My cousin is the ultimate loser, he got tied up with gangs at an early age and basically grew up in prison.

His entire circle is Hispanic/Black, he uses the word all the time, he goes unchecked, has a pass.

You're gonna check him in person? Highly doubtful. You're most likely a normal dude. He's a scumbag with nothing to lose.

You're probably gonna check Ashley if she repeats Drake lyrics in your backseat, tho, right?

I agree with this theory. SOME get checked by some, SOME don't get checked by that same group.

You are right
Why though

Because it don’t mean **** man it’s like the biggest insecurity with black ppl. All it take to get us to act outta character is to hear somebody say *****...And you don’t even have to do that half the time. Let a white person even just call somebody black with even the slightest bit of bass and them hands might start flying.
Did Papi ever have a negative connotation towards Latinos? Not sure why it would be seen as disrespectful as *****. It would be different if Black dudes were calling Latinos beaners.
Because it don’t mean **** man it’s like the biggest insecurity with black ppl. All it take to get us to act outta character is to hear somebody say *****...And you don’t even have to do that half the time. Let a white person even just call somebody black with even the slightest bit of bass and them hands might start flying.
Weak argument. I call you mom a ***** over and over to her face you don’t get a reaction? “You shouldn’t care” isn’t a valid argument. Words DO matter
Weak argument. I call you mom a ***** over and over to her face you don’t get a reaction? “You shouldn’t care” isn’t a valid argument. Words DO matter

Man what are you talking about? Y’all ****** almost always go into some completely other ****
Basically, he's saying you can't say, "Its just a word." If someone called your mom a B, you'd be ready to fight, but black folks are supposed to get over the N-word.
I've already said I don't use the word.

There is selective outrage, it's not a theory, I've seen it 1st hand.

My cousin is the ultimate loser, he got tied up with gangs at an early age and basically grew up in prison.

His entire circle is Hispanic/Black, he uses the word all the time, he goes unchecked, has a pass.

You're gonna check him in person? Highly doubtful. You're most likely a normal dude. He's a scumbag with nothing to lose.

You're probably gonna check Ashley if she repeats Drake lyrics in your backseat, tho, right?

What does this have to do with "selective outrage" though? One example of inmate A reacting to inmate B? How does this prove your point exactly?

Are we really using "scumbags with nothing to lose" as experimental groups?
Basically, he's saying you can't say, "Its just a word." If someone called your mom a B, you'd be ready to fight, but black folks are supposed to get over the N-word.

Yeah but that’s not flying regardless of race. I’m not giving a black dude a pass to call my moms a ***** and then getting offended when a white dude does it.
This **** prob fake but he threw this ***** over the counter cuz he called him a ******* black guy lmaooo

Did Papi ever have a negative connotation towards Latinos? Not sure why it would be seen as disrespectful as *****. It would be different if Black dudes were calling Latinos beaners.

Well for starters we don’t walk around calling each other beaners either...and nah papi ain’t never been offensive to me or anyone that I know...except that cop that arrested that Puerto Rican homie a few years back, that cop took it to heart :lol:

Ya on to something, I’d be more a hell of a lot more triggered if a white MAGA type called me a ******, than if a black dude not sure
Well for starters we don’t walk around calling each other beaners either...and nah papi ain’t never been offensive to me or anyone that I know...except that cop that arrested that Puerto Rican homie a few years back, that cop took it to heart :lol:

Ya on to something, I’d be more a hell of a lot more triggered if a white MAGA type called me a ******, than if a black dude not sure
This will always be hilarious (the papi part) and terrible (the cop wildin part) at the same time :lol: :smh:

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