Remember. Just cause you don't understand him, don't mean that he nice. 
my problem is not that you're criticizing his album but why do you keep making assumptions tho?
If you felt like I was talking directly to you, then you can disregard that comment, however in light of all the overt commentary praising his lyrics...I just don't see it.

I mean it seems like yes, he might talk about certain concepts, but that alone doesn't make it memorable if the way in which its approached isn't enticing.

It just doesn't reach me. And i'm not the only one. 
My mans on a mission to ruin this thread.

Don't feed the trolls.

The Heart Pt.3 is tuff :pimp:
Heart Pt. 3 :x

Im sorry this guy is just the best out to me. MD none of his stuff sounds like 90s music like at all and you would be hard pressed to name a rapper that he reminds us of making us feel good about ourselves for liking deep stuff or whatever. Nothing about his music is fake his album is a true story about him being a good kid in a war zone basically. Its straight real human being music which is why people like it. Not because they feel they have to.

There is a picture being painted with this album its not a bunch of random rap songs put together. Theres a story many people can relate to being told. Dont criticize us because YOU dont get it. You not liking it is perfect for me. Im happy youre not trying to fit in and like something you really dont. I respect that. I just feel like the reasons you gave for not liking it werent accurate but to each his own.

Gatzby who cares if a rapper is "Lame" as long as they are themselves and make good music. Every rapper cant be a gangster *****. Drake is dope, he makes dope music. Yal gotta get over the whole expecting people to be what you want them to be.
If thats the best song on here in many of your opinions...I'm just not seeing that lyricism people say he has.

I guess its a feeling or an appearance he gives off. 

I respect his following though. 

***** dont kill my vibe

where from my post did i say this is his best song? you dont like his work. we get it. why are you still here?
please stay out of s
You are UBER annoying. How many times you gonna keep saying the same thing?

I didn't know this was a Kendrick Lamar circle jerk.

Ya'll can't take any criticism I see. 
Here Putty, I went through the trouble of finding this for you

Now please



What does Cyhi have to do with any of this? I'm not out here trying to evangelize one way or the other.

Mind you all, I said "I respect his following"

Dudes are posting multiple times that they LOVE the album...and I'm doing what? I didn't say I hated it. I just didn't see what the hype was about.

Meanwhile I've listened to every KL mixtape and I've listened to the album twice...and I'm just not feeling it. I don't get it. 

You all are REALLY bad at taking any sort of opinion from people who veer form the path. Thats partly why I think this dude is so overhyped. 

You build up this mystique around him and I don't think he delivered. I think he represents a style of what you WANT "hip-hop" to sound like, instead of what it actually does. Just accept it as plainly as possible and see what it does. Its like this outright movement towards J Cole. The kid is boring to me...and dare I say overrated. He has a few memorable lines here and there but I just find him to be more of someone who wants to be something instead of just being himself. It comes off as corny and other times contrived. 

To me he comes off as a string of nostalgia that people want to identify with so they can show that they're "real hip-hop" fans and so they give it this extra credibility to reinforce its appeal as opposed to letting the music speak for itself. Its like the purists who associate the perceived "age" of a song based on how the production is handled to therefore being indicative of quality. Hardcore KL fans give me that vibe of post-90s addicts who aren't really that diverse in their conception of music, but cling to things that tightly proclaim themselves as "intelligent" or "good music" without them ever really earning that title. Its the pursuit of trying to be deeper than you really are and thinking that KL will give you that additional legitimacy. 

I give the album a 7/10. I just can't listen to it like that. Its kinda boring to me and his lyrics aren't really that deep. I don't think I ever rewinded anything or felt like I was missing something. He can put words together...but its nothing I haven't heard before. In terms of rapping, being "technical" is the last thing on the list to me if what you're actually saying is weak anyways. Rapping faster or with a weird inflection or in certain patterns doesn't really mean as much as what you fill those spaces with. Its not even his subject matter, its that hes not even really making it seem like its authentic. It seems more of a facade to a certain niche of "purists" than actually just being yourself. 

Remember. Just cause you don't understand him, don't mean that he nice. 

Those are just my thoughts though. 

You all can get back to circle-jerking. Theres a reason I might not have been a big fan in the years leading up to this. 

The Roots album is stronger than this as a concept piece IMO.
Chill out whodie, it's always gotta be some "reaching the uninformed masses" stuff with you.


What are you even talking about? 

I said my piece, and you're over here searching for threads of unrelated artists to ATTEMPT to make a point.

You're just reinforcing the notion that KL fans really can't handle any criticism. 

I said mine. You say yours. Dead it if its REALLY not important to you. You DO have that option. 
Yo don't like Kendrick so I (Being the wonderfully generous young man I am) led you to a thread of an artist you like.
Allowing you to congregate with the 2 or 3 other fans of Cyhi there are, while also getting you out of this thread.
It's a win win whodie, can't you see that? Bruh we're on the internet, all this is trivial.
Silly, Drake just dropped Marvins Room pt. 30. Go check it out.
This shoulda been on the album. :pimp: :smh:

Although I haven't heard the album yet (waiting for my copy to get here) I glad it wasn't. The way Kendrick ends the song and the events within the song makes it feel like a prelude to the album. I can't wait to hear the final project, lets not let hip hop die on Oct. 22nd.
Heart Pt. 3

Im sorry this guy is just the best out to me. MD none of his stuff sounds like 90s music like at all and you would be hard pressed to name a rapper that he reminds us of making us feel good about ourselves for liking deep stuff or whatever. Nothing about his music is fake his album is a true story about him being a good kid in a war zone basically. Its straight real human being music which is why people like it. Not because they feel they have to.

There is a picture being painted with this album its not a bunch of random rap songs put together. Theres a story many people can relate to being told. Dont criticize us because YOU dont get it. You not liking it is perfect for me. Im happy youre not trying to fit in and like something you really dont. I respect that. I just feel like the reasons you gave for not liking it werent accurate but to each his own.

Gatzby who cares if a rapper is "Lame" as long as they are themselves and make good music. Every rapper cant be a gangster *****. Drake is dope, he makes dope music. Yal gotta get over the whole expecting people to be what you want them to be.
See I can respect what you said.

The Heart Part 3 was alright IMO. The guy who was featured came a little harder to me...then his voice got all excited with all this aggression that wasn't really indicative of someone who is "enlightened" but since you do essentially Waka-type lyrics on a sleepy beat then it makes it better?

...But what really got me was that last and I mean VERY last thing he said on that song which is what makes me not take him seriously. "Will you let hip-hop die on October 22nd?"

Who IS this guy? I mean damn, if you're going to be that contrived just admit that you're trying to appeal to a niche instead of BEING that niche. That tells me a lot right there. This guy THINKS hes "real hip-hop"...nah bruh. You're just an artist who makes music. You're as real as anyone else who puts pen to paper to write rhymes. Its that desire to be so "real" that just kills me. He's relying on that same gimmick that 50 has run into the ground. We only care about the music. The Roots just had a concept album that was fictional, but they didn't have to beat you in the head with how "real" they are and how much better their conception of music was. Thats what I get from a lot of rap purists and post-90s backpackers. Its almost more condescending than mainstream radio in the sense that at least I know mainstream music isn't lying about their intentions or trying to obfuscate them. 

I COMPLETELY understand the story he's talking about. I'm basically Jamaican. I know reggae has stories for days. I understand where hes trying to take it...I just don't think he took it there. I used to really love this type of "real rap" type music then I realized that I was just putting on airs because I THOUGHT it was supposed to be better without actually seeing whether or not it was. If you read Kendrick's lyrics, you really won't be that impressed...and relying on being "technical" is on the bottom of the list to me as an artist. Dudes like Dom Kennedy make amazing songs with lazy flows. Dudes like Twista make great songs with ridiculous flows. Why am I not getting anything from this dude? Cause hes from Cali and doesn't look like Tyga or E-40? I feel that his appeal is that hes more different than he is novel

But again, yes, I completely respect what you said, especially that last line. If this is who KL wants to be and hes being honest with himself, then go ahead. I'm just not feeling it too tough. Maybe one day he'll change my mind, but after following him for years now...I keep trying to make sure i'm not missing anything and I'm almost certain that i'm not. 
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I hadn't entered this thread since the leak since I'm not listening to the album till I get my physical copy.. did not expect this :lol: :lol:
Contrasting opinion = Troll these days.


Dude I feel the same way as you. Listened to the album twice and I just don't see the excitement that everyone else in this thread sees. It's ok but nothing memorable in my opinion. He's nice but his flow is just boring to me :\
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I don't count the bonus tracks as part of the album, the story ends with The Recipe

I feel dumb as **** the van album cover finally hit me
Heart Part 3 is :pimp:

I put Cartoon & Cereal as the intro track and Westside, Right on Time between Art of Peer Pressure and Money Trees.

I haven't listened to the Mary joint (And I have no desire too, Mary is done)
Black Boi Fly is a nice bonus track.

Can't wait for the Itunes exclusive track to drop.
I didn't get it either :lol: then I realized it goes with the album story. I wonder if all these songs/people are really based on true events.?

He has my money this week.
Contrasting opinion = Troll these days.


It's not a contrasting opinion. You literally have nothing better to do with your life than come in threads and hate. Like Time used to do... who knows, you might be Time on another user name. Seriously though, how much time and energy have you wasted trying to tell everyone how you think Kendrick is whack... I don't go into a Lil Wayne thread typing essays about why he's horrible.. I don't like him, I stay out. None of your opinions are valid in this thread because you're obviously just trying to get on people's nerve. We all know your just gonna keep doing it... so enjoy wasting your time... :rofl:
But back to the album discussion... only song I can't get into is Poetic Justice... other than that the whole album is amazing to me.

I'm seriously impressed with how much this album is all Kendrick. I know others were worried it'd be watered down for this album, or have to much Dre influence, to try to get him to sell... but there is NOTHING commercial about this album. Unlike Big K.R.I.T.'s studio album....:smh:

BDKMV is sooooooo :nthat: m.A.A.d City goes ridiculously hard. I haven't really listened to the Mary track... but I'll get into it at some point.

Kendrick has one hell of a bright future ahead of himself.
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