KD V ID THREAD: November 6th Launch

just ordered my Baby Bears! and now the excruciating wait

just realized President's Day will be around the 25th day, so I'll prob get them AFTER 2/19
I got mine the 24th day,  plus martin luther king day. 
damn, those are nice!
Thanks man; all credit to my friends, they saw the kind of shoes I wear and came up with something awesome.
you got some good friends bro. make sure to give them a big thank you, those are sick
I sure do. I'm incredibly lucky, they're basically family.  It also probably helps that I'm the godfather of their daughter lol.
I finally decided which ID pair to order. Really excited about them. I wish there was a gum bottom option! I got a design in my locker that needs gum bottoms
Can't ride with that pixel print.

I got a 15% code so it's either a Kobe 8(pending new options) or one of these.
man the #1 rule in this sneaker world is BUY WHAT YOU LIKE. the pixel print is trash to most of us in here, but if you like it: DO YOU! it's nothing about being close-minded, we're human & not all gonna like every sneaker that drops
man the #1 rule in this sneaker world is BUY WHAT YOU LIKE. the pixel print is trash to most of us in here, but if you like it: DO YOU! it's nothing about being close-minded, we're human & not all gonna like every sneaker that drops
this.. it is trash to me but the b&w imo is >>>> christmas kd v
[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]m[/font]an the #1 rule in this sneaker world is BUY WHAT YOU LIKE. the pixel print is trash to most of us in here, but if you like it: DO YOU! it's nothing about being close-minded, we're human & not all gonna like every sneaker that drops
I feel you . And thats what im kinda saying . I didnt like it at first look , and i just gave it a few more , saw a pair in real life.  Then they grew on me. Thats what i meant by closeminded. 
But yeah. Buy what you like. Preach . 
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Looking to ID some KD's in a Mavs colorway.  Trying to decide which one below I should go with or any adjustments I should make?
Second or third one... Both are clean!

If money isn't an issue, order both (get free shipping that way), and when you get em choose which one you like best and send the other one back.
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These are a simple ID. Tried to pattern them after KD's alternate colorway.  However, ID doesnt have a navy airbad so had to settle with the netural gray color. Thoughts on these 2 colorway ID's?
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