Katt williams took it too far or funny?

Kinda funny imo.
Wish Katt could get his career back on track
katt williams is a hack. always been

just because he's a "comedian" doesn't give him license to say whatever he feels

it's obvious at what point he drops the "comedy" act and resorts to the lowest common denominator as a defense mechanism
Originally Posted by AlBooBoo5

Originally Posted by James Earl Zones

I've never felt like there's a such thing as "too far" when it comes to comedy. Just some stuff isn't funny to everyone.

Basically. I have a feeling a lot of the people commenting have never stepped foot in a comedy club. !##% gets ugly when you heckle a comedian.
you should alrdy know this..even though you havent been to a comedy club.
I'm not Mexicn so I won't tell anyone to not be offended. I'm just glad to see Katt Williams back. I think at the end of the day, he's trying to leave that "Katt Williams got slapped" talk in the past. Good to see him on stage again.

Also, the "Kramer" comparison has to be one of the worst I've seen on NT. Katt had support from the crowd and had control of the situation (Even the chick that was with the dude sang the U.S. naitonal anthem w/ Katt). Michael Richards had a bit of a breakdown and ended up mumbling into the mic before leaving the crowd in a state of confusion.
Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

You can clearly tell who the black folks in this thread are, 

Defend your own, I guess, despite ignorance.

To be honest, it wasn't that bad, but that landscape comment was out of line.

Why can't we compare him to Michael "Kramer" Richards?  Oh, that's right, 'cause Richards used the "N" word.  The word that has lost all meaning, yet shakes you guys to the core when someone who isn't black says it.

Whatever...both were racial slurs and filled with bigotry.  Want to give Katt a pass? go ahead.  Both are inexcusable and sound foolish if trying to defend either.
Shut up

0renthalJames wrote:
Haven't read any of the comments but, rule 1 at a comedy show (specially a BLACK comedy show):
  1. Hecklers be warned. Don't say anything if you don't have the mic
Also this video could be out of context. Katt seemed to be very angry, who knows what the hell the dude said to him to set him off. As far as taking it too far, I'm actually surprised how "tame" it was to be truthful. Could have been way worse. And I hope no one in here compared this the the Kramer incident, cause that would be idiotic. The crowd was goin ham though, felt bad for dude when his girl was trying to calm him down. They were smiling trying to put on the fake laugh, but they knew it was wrap 

never understood why people think it's ok to PAY for a comedy show and then yell chit out ruining the show. No one paid to see you yell insults from your seat. 

-The Juice

This guy has never been funny to me, shrugs

And this was very offensive, it wasn't funny and he made it kinda personal word to Kramer
If you are a sensitive type without the ability to laugh at yourself, I suggest you never heckle a comedian.
Katt isn't funny at all to me. what he was saying may have been offensive but he's on a comedy stage (trying to be funny), but he's still allowed his first ammendment rights. that being said if he's going to go that hard on 1 guy in an audience, he shouldn't have all the security guards surrounding the 1 guy. punk #*#.
classless by both sides. Katt could have handled that better.

As bad as this is, you can't compare it to Kramer. Kramer said "you would be hanging from a tree 50 years ago."

I don't think Katt said anything on that level but still stupid none the less.
@ the pacman line & how he said his name
 @ dude just saying "N" over & over again
Funny or not, what was Katt saying?
That Mexicans are worse people?  No.  That Mexican culture is inferior?  No.  He even shouts out to Mexican Americans.

I think he very crudely pointed out what a lot of Americans feel: Newly arrived immigrants, seemingly particularly those from Mexico or other Latin countries, have a lot of pride and loyalty to their motherland.  Maybe more loyalty than they do to the U.S.  And as ANY country wants to be a sovereign nation with strong nationalism, that makes many of American citizens without split loyalties uncomfortable.

The caveat being that America is rarely on opposing sides of a major issue with Latin countries so it's not as outwardly shocking as being an immigrant from Afganistan who is more loyal to Afganistan than America.  
Originally Posted by KenJi714

Funny thing is the two broad sitting at the table has the courtesy to laugh while their men is getting roasted lol

And Kat has a point about some Mexican having more allegiance to Mexico yet they live in USA . Pure irony

As long as they don't hold an American passport, I have ZERO problems with that. 
Katt took it too far imo, one rowdy dude doesn't represent Mexicans as a whole. Black and Brown must get down

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