Kappa Sigma Asia Prime aka The Racist Rager

Sep 10, 2011
The Asian Student Association at Duke University is protesting a fraternity party held last week that it says was racist toward Asians, the Duke Chronicle reports.

Students from the group distributed fliers on campus featuring photos taken at Kappa Sigma's Feb. 1 "Asia Prime" party that show students with their faces censored, dressed in traditional Asian garments such as conical sedge hats and sumo wrestler attire. Angry students have labeled the party the "#RacistRager."

"We are protesting the culture of acceptance at these kinds of things," Ting-Ting Zhou, president of the Asian Students Association, told the Chronicle. "The administration does nothing."

"This is a disappointing reminder that, despite our considerable efforts to educate students about cultural sensitivities, we have much work yet to be done," Larry Moneta, vice president for student affairs at Duke University, said in a statement to HuffPost. "We are resolved to use these events as learning opportunities."

A school official told WTVD that Duke does not plan to discipline the fraternity.

Kappa Sigma did not return requests for comment by The Huffington Post. Kappa Sigma president Luke Keohane told the Chronicle they should've just canceled the party entirely, rather than renaming it.

Kyle Jones, president of the National Pan-Hellenic Council, stopped just short of officially condemning the fraternity in a brief op-ed calling for reflection:
Too often in years past, Duke fraternities have hosted parties with themes that marginalize and ostracize entire minority populations based on misguided representations. This level of ignorance is antagonistic to the principles on which many of our organizations were founded.
Marcus Benning, president of the Duke Black Student Alliance, said in a letter to the student newspaper that his group also condemns Kappa Sigma for throwing the party.

According to a Facebook event invite, more than 700 people are planning to attend a 1 p.m. EST demonstration at a campus bus stop on Wednesday. The Duke Asian Students Association will also hold an open discussion on the the controversy Wednesday evening.

The fraternity chapter, Eta Prime, regained recognition by the university in 2012 after a decade off campus. The chapter chose to dissolve in 2002 rather than face punishment from Duke for alcohol policy violations and financial errors, according to the Chronicle.

The Kappa Sigma party follows previous racially tinged incidents at the school, among them a "Pilgrims & Indians" party thrown by Duke's Pi Kappa Phi fraternity in 2011 and a student who dressed in blackface at a Halloween party in November.



As an Asian American ... I ain't eem THAT mad. Waiting for more pics of the party tho :nerd:
As an Asian American ... I ain't eem THAT mad. Waiting for more pics of the party tho
I am, too.

Wouldn't mind more shots of the chick squished inbetween dude in the tighty-whities and the staircase. The potential for mass is there.
I always wonder how turrrrible someone's life has to be to watch another person long enough be able to imitate them as a form of "entertainment." These are some highly educated low lives.
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I think they do it just to show they can get away with it.

everyone should just stand on the side and watch. Whats the worst that can happen? Let them act like the fools they are.

and when you see them in the future.... better memorize those faces. They are exposing themselves so it cuts the guessing game as to who is the racist and who isn't.
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I think they do it just to show they can get away with it.

everyone should just stand on the side and watch. Whats the worst that can happen? Let them act like the fools they are.

and when you see them in the future.... better memorize those faces. They are exposing themselves so it cuts the guessing game as to who is the racist and who isn't.
Problem it's more or less acceptable to be racist in society. Blatant, open racism will cause questions to be asked, but as long you just tip toe along that line you good. Those with their faces exposed will not face future ramifications down the line. 
Reading those Yahoo comments pisses me off. They're perpetuating what is widely believed to be negative stereotypes by the oppressed group and think it's OK and that they should just shrug it off? It's the exact same thing with that Mexican party last year. Recycling stereotypes just means that inaccuracies are being thrown around and no one learns which doesn't solve anything and I'm more appalled at what these people think about the situation.
Not surprised a bunch of insular frat bros make the news for organizing a poorly thought out party. But mocking Asian people is hardly new, unfortunately. Most of my college lecturers have been Chinese, and there is always someone who mocks their accent.
I will never understand why people get their jimmies rustled over "racist" ****. Don't like me because of the color of my skin?!? Fine. I honestly couldn't care less.
Not surprised a bunch of insular frat bros make the news for organizing a poorly thought out party. But mocking Asian people is hardly new, unfortunately. Most of my college lecturers have been Chinese, and there is always someone who mocks their accent.
well if you're paying tons of money for school wouldn't you want someone you can understand clearly? 

i dont have a problem with it, but ya know certain folks just have issues with EVERYTHING..
It's not just the theme of the party but also who's doing it. If it was a random Asian themed party thrown by a bunch of kids, I wouldn't know if they were racist or insensitive...

However, I went to a school with a @#$% load of frats, and many of the "elite" frats (99% rich white dudes with a token Asian or Black dude so that they could claim to be diverse) were full of racists. There were always police reports in the newspapers about Asian/ kids of other ethnicities getting beaten up and chapters being shut down as a result. Honestly the "ethnic" frats/ less popular frats were the only legit organizations; all the other ones were just idiots paying x amount of dollars per year to party and smash sorority girls
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ignoramuses gonna ignant

I'm waitin for the black face party to come up with pics of 40's, kfc and watermelons.


Why you reportin?

white people are the ones that institutionalized racism to the point where this buffoonery can go unpunished.
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