Kanye West: King of the Sunken Place, "Watch the Throne"

I should have snuffed 'Ye on sight for this...instead it got me a ":stoneface: ". |l

Just checked this thread because I am trying to make sense of everything that is going on in the celebrity world and saw these posts. Not sure how serious any of y'all were being but I can give commentary, firsthand accounts, personal stories and answer any questions regarding this topic if necessary :lol:
You made Palin chew the pillow my guy?
You made Palin chew the pillow my guy?

Y'all are wild boys :lol:

I moreso meant about the "MAGA Women" descriptor. We are almost 7+ years removed from the inception but it has been a wild shift. There are definitely levels to it, though. The biggest problem with Trump winning is that the folks who rode with him in hopes of financial prosperity fell back (publicly) but those who are just downright racist are still riding the MAGA train and are eternally grateful Trump gave them acceptance and a few maneuvers on how to espouse that publicly.

I bring that up because it really depends on if you meant smashing a "MAGA" crazy or a Republican. I definitely see how they are fundamentally similar, in ways, but have become synonymous at a macro level and part of me still believes that MAGA is something waaayyyy different and more extreme.

And no, I have never smashed with Fox News on in the background nor have I had sexual relations with Sarah Palin.

I have smashed women older than her, though

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Y'all are wild boys :lol:

I moreso meant about the "MAGA Women" descriptor. We are almost 7+ years removed from the inception but it has been a wild shift. There are definitely levels to it, though. The biggest problem with Trump winning is that the folks who rode with him in hopes of financial prosperity fell back (publicly) but those who are just downright racist are still riding the MAGA train and are eternally grateful Trump gave them acceptance and a few maneuvers on how to espouse that publicly.

I bring that up because it really depends on if you meant smashing a "MAGA" crazy or a Republican. I definitely see how they are fundamentally similar, in ways, but have become synonymous at a macro level and part of me still believes that MAGA is something waaayyyy different and more extreme.

And no, I have never smashed with Fox News on in the background nor have I had sexual relations with Sarah Palin.

I have smashed women older than her, though


She's a worn-out 58, I'll tell you what.... I thought she was mid-60s by now.

Not disagreeing with you because I had to look up her age before making that post because I didn't want to make a false claim :lol: But I won't front, with her job, scrutiny, exposure, etc. as a political public figure she cannot just get surgery so it is hard without elite genes. In that regard, I would seriously advise everyone in the thread to take their skincare regimens seriously. You don't even have to spend a grip if you don't have it or want to but the 2X/Day Wash x Toner x Serum x Facial Cream x Eye Cream with the an oil at the conclusion the second wash at night and a weekly 10-minute facial mask

(I seriously dated a few girls with knowledge and my SIL's mom was in the industry for a long time so they put me on :lol: )
The Young White claw loving MAGA women loves themselves some British Broadcasting Corporation.

They only go Fox News when it’s time to get married.


You were more direct about it but this is somewhat of what I was getting at.

Based on MYEYE personal experience, I would take it a step further and say it is only Fox News when it it is time to go home but that's a different conversation :lol:
Well, I mean he's right in the sense that Rosa Parks was preselected to not stand-up by the movement based on her gender and spotless background.
I went to the Rosa Parks Museum in Montgomery in early November and later in the month, myself and a film crew went down to Tuskegee to interview Fred Gray, the lawyer who successfully argued that bus segregation is unconstitutional. However Claudette Colvin was the first person to not give up her seat and she did it a full 9 months prior to Rosa Parks. And on top of that, Mr. Gray represented Claudette and 4 other plaintiffs in the court case. I’d love for you to cite your sources on the matter on how Rosa Parks was a preselected.
I went to the Rosa Parks Museum in Montgomery in early November and later in the month, myself and a film crew went down to Tuskegee to interview Fred Gray, the lawyer who successfully argued that bus segregation is unconstitutional. However Claudette Colvin was the first person to not give up her seat and she did it a full 9 months prior to Rosa Parks. And on top of that, Mr. Gray represented Claudette and 4 other plaintiffs in the court case. I’d love for you to cite your sources on the matter on how Rosa Parks was a preselected.
Chosen may be a better word. She was of fair skin and "good character". Claudette Colvin was younger darker and had become pregnant as a teen. Rosa was chosen to be the face of the movement.
She was the face but she still refused to sit down by her own volition. And it was primarily woman that refused to comply with bus discrimination so the gender point is moot. We see even now that “others” REALLY care about a victim’s background before they extend their sympathy so it is not shocking in the least that during the Jim Crow-era, there were even less sympathy for black folks so the person with the most squeaky clean record would make sense to prop up. But to call her a “plant” is inaccurate because she did the things and lived with the repercussions.

What Kanye is doing is disingenuous and disrespectful to the people that came before him and impacted the way this country operates
She was the face but she still refused to sit down by her own volition. And it was primarily woman that refused to comply with bus discrimination so the gender point is moot. We see even now that “others” REALLY care about a victim’s background before they extend their sympathy so it is not shocking in the least that during the Jim Crow-era, there were even less sympathy for black folks so the person with the most squeaky clean record would make sense to prop up. But to call her a “plant” is inaccurate because she did the things and lived with the repercussions.

What Kanye is doing is disingenuous and disrespectful to the people that came before him and impacted the way this country operates
Kanye da is echoing the words of segregationists during the time period. It was said Rosa was a Mexican communist to try a quell support for the boycott.
She was the face but she still refused to sit down by her own volition. And it was primarily woman that refused to comply with bus discrimination so the gender point is moot. We see even now that “others” REALLY care about a victim’s background before they extend their sympathy so it is not shocking in the least that during the Jim Crow-era, there were even less sympathy for black folks so the person with the most squeaky clean record would make sense to prop up. But to call her a “plant” is inaccurate because she did the things and lived with the repercussions.

What Kanye is doing is disingenuous and disrespectful to the people that came before him and impacted the way this country operates
Do you know why it was mostly women? This was intentional.

I agree with everything above you stated btw, and as I previously mentioned, Kanyes words are moronic, but the notion that the movement wasn't strategic in who it elevated based on the perceptions of whites short changes their collaboration and foresight and genius.
Do you know why it was mostly women? This was intentional.

I agree with everything above you stated btw, and as I previously mentioned, Kanyes words are moronic, but the notion that the movement wasn't strategic in who it elevated based on the perceptions of whites short changes their collaboration and foresight and genius.
I don’t know so tell me. I assume that women of the times were seen as docile and obedient so a woman refusing to follow “orders” would be more of an affront than a man doing so. And a black woman doing it would be even worse. But don’t know why it was mostly woman.

I think we agree but I believe we’re getting into semantics at this point. I’m trying to articulate that she wasn’t selected beforehand to refuse to give up her seat. However, of all the people that had refused to give up their seat, she was the one with the cleanest record and best positioned to have the city of Montgomery to rally behind. So I do agree the movement was smart in rallying behind her.

The reason I don’t believe she was preselected is she wasn’t sitting in the whites only section. The bus got full and the driver asked her and 3 other black people to give up their seat. She was the only one that didn’t comply and argued that she was seated in her rightful section and it’s not up to the discretion of the bus driver to move the line separating black and white passengers. Had she been pre-selected or a ‘plant’, why was she sitting in the correct section? Who would have had the foresight to know the bus was going to get full and require white people to sit in the Coloreds Only section?

That is the reason I initially pushed back but I believe we agree on everything else.
Correct, we on the same page bro, and Kanye knew what he was doing.

Semantics, and as you are aware, countless others who we will never know refused prior. Including Caludette. Kanyes lameness calling her a plant is like calling Emmett Till a plant. Sure his case was elevated because he was a child but lynchings as you know happened all the time prior to and after.

My point and apologize for misunderstanding, is that the reason you know these names is intentional. Not to discredit their sacrifice.
The Young White claw loving MAGA women loves themselves some British Broadcasting Corporation.

They only go Fox News when it’s time to get married.


MAGA women dont drink white claw. They chase now their meth and fentanyl with bud ice and milwaukees best.
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