Kanye West: King of the Sunken Place, "Watch the Throne"

But he slanders Obama right before professing his love for Trump. It's not as benign and he's not as Dalai Lama like as you're making it seem.

Good point that he is not being consistent. But I simply described the theory of his philosophy.

The thing with the philosophy of one, so to speak, is that it's very difficult to live by.
Nearly impossible in his position imo.
no one called him such things till he ran as a republican, thats just plain facts.

His white supremacy was localized, didn’t affect policies and the nation as a whole, just affected some employees of his and some POC that wanted to life in his properties, so him being a WS or racist or denophobic was of little importance in the grand scale of things, the wealth he displayed and lavish lifestyle is something that rappers have always used in their songs, from fictional drug lords to real ones, using rappers as some sort of standard of acceptance is ridiculous bro, considering the type of stuff promoted by rap music
everyone thought those kids were guilty, black & white (central park on da 80's b)..da spin people puttin on da story now basically a retconned.

Trump just da only dude who jumped out da window and took a ad out to be extra wit it.

No, that was initially. The real rapist was found, because he mentioned it to another inmate and the DNA evidence proved it wasn't them. That's why they were set free.

Trump still put a ad out in the newspaper and made comments about them after it was proven it wasn't them.
I just don’t know why you keep referencing hip hop artists and how they used Trump for music back when he was nothing but a reality puppet....you gotta know how to draw a line in the sand, we literally elected Snooki to run one of the most powerful nations of the world and to represent us as Americans...and many would probably argue Snooki probably would have been a more sensible choice...lol...myself included.
-kanye is a Hiphop creature.

-hiphop been messin wit Trump since da 80's.

How many of those rappers that co-signed trumps lifestyle back in the day, would put on a MAGA hat today?....like I said, Trump was irrelevant to the lifestyle of millions of Americans before he ran, now his racist, xenophobic and sexist ways affect us all in more ways than one not only on a national scale but a global one...that **** is hella scary fam.
da DNA evidence was damn near a decade + later...da city just broke them dudes off a few years ago.

Again, he commented on them after they were found to be innocent.

He showed his true colors then.

It was the first real evidence of him as a person. ll the housing discrimination cases weren't known about.

After the Central Park 5 were found innocent, he still said they were guilty. Said, well they were guilty of something. In that he displayed everything, classism, racism, narcissism and lack of intelligence.

Did someone is this motha****er really compare Kanye to Nat Turner?

I’m out.
reminds me of that news reporter telling Lebron to shut up and play basketball or something like that.
Yeah that was it ... It was solely looked at as racist in nature when speaking about LeBron ... In actuality, it is possible to not be racist and believe someone is not equipped to speak on certain matters ...

I just really struggle with how sensitive we have become ... I see it at work with people being hired that have no business being hired ... I see people not receive discipline when they should because the colors don't quite seem right ...

It flys in the face of the logical evolution of us as a species ... As we get further from being hunters and gatherers, self sustaining lifestyles seem weird or taboo ... Yet each year we get further away from a time when people were viewed unequal and we seem to insist on keeping those times more relevant than ever ...

There is no excuse for someone to not be productive in today's society ... I just told my own cousin to go **** right off when he asked for money to take his kids to Disney world ... No, because I stayed in school and always do the right thing, I'm not paying for your kids to have the life I never had as a child ... You ****** your life up sp **** you ...

I think Kanye is indirectly speaking to personal accountability ... His opinion has no business being considered as gospel, same with Lebron and the rest of Hollywood ... Very few entertainers devote real time to understanding plight ... This is entirely an economic stratification argument that needs commentary from those impacted directly and the local and state governments that still impact our citizens ...

This is precisely why I'm not in favor of big government ... I don't want the Don or Hillary or Kanye or Lebron telling everyone what they should do and how they should live ...
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