Kanye West: King of the Sunken Place, "Watch the Throne"

@Air Money I don’t disagree with you on that at all. What I’m saying is that in 2018 you can grind enough for you and yours to be well off. Maybe you can get to a point to where your son will trick off millions your money. Will it be difficult? Bet your *** it will. Will you make it that far? Who knows?
frenchbreadbuilds frenchbreadbuilds Do you know any two people who are equal or start off in the same situations? Yeah we are starting late I get it. But instead of recognizing this L and starting to run the race a lot of people sit back and do nothing but ask for hand outs. I see a lot of brothas out here doing they legit thing. White people ain’t holding us back. The market decides who advances. If Jerome is better then Brad and can make the company money then Jerome will get hired. If that company hires Brad just because he’s white then that’s stupid of them. But Jerome will find work with those skills.
And why debate on blacks getting worse sentences? I personally don’t care. If your a criminal, then your a criminal. The brothas doing crimes is what makes white people look at the rest of us in a negative light.

“But instead of recognizing this L and starting to run the race a lot of people sit back and do nothing but ask for hand outs.” this false stereotype is no more prevalent then the bogus “welfare queen”. A hand out is nowhere the same thing as corrective actions. You don’t get to destabilize entire groups of people for decades based on the color of their skin and then take a step back and blame them for their socioeconomic shortcomings. Adjusting and correcting for government funded destabilization is completely independent of people’s personal choices. White people as a whole don’t suffer from that destabilization and it manifests itself in every stat imaginable comparing black people and white people. At every single level of society when background, economic status, education, and family structure is accounted for their is still a disparity between black and whites. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2018/03/19/upshot/race-class-white-and-black-men.html That’s the problem. There’s an issue when black People with the same qualifications don’t get the same opportunities and pay as their white counterparts. That’s not asking for a handout. And every time you imply that people working towards fairness are not hardworking and asking for handouts you reinforce every part of a system that makes it even harder for the people who are grinding and are working to get further and build something for themeselves and future generations. Having to work harder because you weren’t born rich is one thing, but having to work harder because you’re black is completely different.
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I think there's still something wrong with a person who uses this type of tactic in this type of climate to sell ****** offshoot music of Cudi and Travis Scott, so all that he's doing it for promo is moot. If the ***** wanted promo, there are MANY other ways he could have gone with it.
“But instead of recognizing this L and starting to run the race a lot of people sit back and do nothing but ask for hand outs.” this false stereotype is no more prevalent then the bogus “welfare queen”. A hand out is nowhere the same thing as corrective actions. You don’t get to destabilize entire groups of people for decades based on the color of their skin and then take a step back and blame them for their socioeconomic shortcomings. Adjusting and correcting for government funded destabilization is completely independent of people’s personal choices. White people as a whole don’t suffer from that destabilization and it manifests itself in every stat imaginable comparing black people and white people. At every single level of society when background, economic status, education, and family structure is accounted for their is still a disparity between black and whites. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2018/03/19/upshot/race-class-white-and-black-men.html That’s the problem. There’s an issue when black People with the same qualifications don’t get the same opportunities and pay as their white counterparts. That’s not asking for a handout. And every time you imply that people working towards fairness are not hardworking and asking for handouts you reinforce every part of a system that makes it even harder for the people who are grinding and are working to get further and build something for themeselves and future generations.

Dude all I’m seeing is “we are victims” in this post. Stop comparing black people to white people. Just stop. I know that certain privilege will sometimes allow white people ahead of blacks when it comes to acquiring a position at a job. But it’s not impossible for a black man to find work he is qualified for. Don’t act like it is. Like I said before, it’s not easy for most people. There are rules to make it in this society. Graduate high school, don’t have children out of wedlock or by multiple partners, raise your children together as a whole family and try not to separate/divorce. These things alone will put black people in a better position in society.
I grew up in the hood. I saw “welfare queens” with my own two eyes. Don’t work, live off welfare, have 8 kids, section 8, boosters. These are just the women that I saw. They are out there. Don’t pretend they don’t exist. And not all of them are black.

Stay away from NY Times and Washington post. They are very liberal sources. Black people tell black people they are a victim. White people tell black people they are a victim. When u start taking responsibility and hold yourself accountable then things will start working in your favor. Not saying you in particular but just people as individuals.
Dude all I’m seeing is “we are victims” in this post. Stop comparing black people to white people. Just stop. I know that certain privilege will sometimes allow white people ahead of blacks when it comes to acquiring a position at a job. But it’s not impossible for a black man to find work he is qualified for. Don’t act like it is. Like I said before, it’s not easy for most people. There are rules to make it in this society. Graduate high school, don’t have children out of wedlock or by multiple partners, raise your children together as a whole family and try not to separate/divorce. These things alone will put black people in a better position in society.
I grew up in the hood. I saw “welfare queens” with my own two eyes. Don’t work, live off welfare, have 8 kids, section 8, boosters. These are just the women that I saw. They are out there. Don’t pretend they don’t exist. And not all of them are black.

Stay away from NY Times and Washington post. They are very liberal sources. Black people tell black people they are a victim. White people tell black people they are a victim. When u start taking responsibility and hold yourself accountable then things will start working in your favor. Not saying you in particular but just people as individuals.

Have good day, you’re not interested in discussion.
Dude all I’m seeing is “we are victims” in this post. Stop comparing black people to white people. Just stop. I know that certain privilege will sometimes allow white people ahead of blacks when it comes to acquiring a position at a job. But it’s not impossible for a black man to find work he is qualified for. Don’t act like it is. Like I said before, it’s not easy for most people. There are rules to make it in this society. Graduate high school, don’t have children out of wedlock or by multiple partners, raise your children together as a whole family and try not to separate/divorce. These things alone will put black people in a better position in society.
I grew up in the hood. I saw “welfare queens” with my own two eyes. Don’t work, live off welfare, have 8 kids, section 8, boosters. These are just the women that I saw. They are out there. Don’t pretend they don’t exist. And not all of them are black.

Stay away from NY Times and Washington post. They are very liberal sources. Black people tell black people they are a victim. White people tell black people they are a victim. When u start taking responsibility and hold yourself accountable then things will start working in your favor. Not saying you in particular but just people as individuals.

You're spewing some of the most unenlightened sh*t I've ever read on NT.

It would be funny if there weren't politicians and other people in positions of power that had the same mentality.

Please just stay in Florida. That's where you belong.
How am I not? Because I just wrote a reply? If I wasn’t interested then I would have written what you just wrote as a reply.

When you incorrectly summarized all my points as “Dude all I’m seeing is “we are victims” in this post.” you made it clear that you’re only here to push your “history doesn’t matter black people are where they are because they choose to be” shtick. Even though none of what I said even remotely came out to “black people cant do anything until good for themselves until white people give them stuff”. Which is what you’re implying. Like i said you’re not here to have a discussion. You’re here to make generalizations and ignore facts in favor of your anecdotes.
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You're spewing some of the most unenlightened sh*t I've ever read on NT.

It would be funny if there weren't politicians and other people in positions of power that had the same mentality.

Please just stay in Florida. That's where you belong.

So because I don’t meet your standard of “intelligent” I shouldn’t be allowed to speak? Seems pretty bias. If speaking on a message board was based on level of intelligence then we could just shut NT down.
When you incorrectly summarized all my points as “Dude all I’m seeing is “we are victims” in this post.” you made it clear that you’re only here to push your “history doesn’t matter black people are where they are because they choose to be” shtick. Even though none of what I said even remotely came out to “black people cant do anything until good for themselves until white people give them stuff”. Which is what you’re implying. Like i said you’re not here to have a discussion. You’re here to make generalizations and ignore facts in favor of your anecdotes.

Sorry. I wasn’t tying to make it seem like I’m pushing any agenda. I looked it as you came in here yelling “The sky is blue!”, by just stating the obvious. Have you ever fixed anything before? You don’t fix stuff by standing around pointing out all of the stuff that is broke or saying someone else should fix it for you. I’m just focused on the solutions. But if you want to just point out all the bad stuff that happened then I can’t help you. I’m not focused on the past.
Sorry. I wasn’t tying to make it seem like I’m pushing any agenda. I looked it as you came in here yelling “The sky is blue!”, by just stating the obvious. Have you ever fixed anything before? You don’t fix stuff by standing around pointing out all of the stuff that is broke or saying someone else should fix it for you. I’m just focused on the solutions. But if you want to just point out all the bad stuff that happened then I can’t help you. I’m not focused on the past.

You literally have to focus on the past to solve these issues you think you're fixing though :lol:
You realize you can both not let being a victim keep you from achieving success all the while advocating for taking down they systems that cause a 228 year wealth gap between African Americans and whites,
that cause blacks to be sentenced for longer periods for the same crime, that causes blacks to historically be disproportionately poor than whites. Unless you think that those things are caused by black People collectively being inherently lazier than whites. In which case it brings a lot of context to who you are and what you say.
Quoted for emphatics.

People swear you can only discuss one point at a time
Quoted for emphatics.

People swear you can only discuss one point at a time

critics will basically point out that constantly dredging up da past is essentially picking da scab over and over again and re-victimization ensues.

i see it like a marriage when someone got caught cheating...if you forgive your spouse then eventually you gotta let it go and move on, or da relationship will never work...
I don't think it's "garbage"

It was very of the times.

Flashing lights is the only song I still play tho

But yea the 3 u mentioned are better
Sorry. I wasn’t tying to make it seem like I’m pushing any agenda. I looked it as you came in here yelling “The sky is blue!”, by just stating the obvious. Have you ever fixed anything before? You don’t fix stuff by standing around pointing out all of the stuff that is broke or saying someone else should fix it for you. I’m just focused on the solutions. But if you want to just point out all the bad stuff that happened then I can’t help you. I’m not focused on the past.

None of what I said is what you’re reffering to. Making better personal choices (which is what you’re focusing on) doesn’t change a broken system that makes it harder for people of color to turn their hard work into wealth and stability. That’s not an internal issue, it’s external one. You have a government that we pay into just as much as any other races but black People are supposed be okay with they system working for others to the benefit of those people at the expense of their own? But black people should just stop having kids early and it will fix all their issues? You cast aside the New York Times article so quickly but there are actual numbers and statistics in there and graphs that put it so simple stupid that it’s digestible to everyone. Ignore the editorialized portions. Your problem is that you blame the poor and black People for poverty
Dude all I’m seeing is “we are victims” in this post. Stop comparing black people to white people. Just stop. I know that certain privilege will sometimes allow white people ahead of blacks when it comes to acquiring a position at a job. But it’s not impossible for a black man to find work he is qualified for. Don’t act like it is. Like I said before, it’s not easy for most people. There are rules to make it in this society. Graduate high school, don’t have children out of wedlock or by multiple partners, raise your children together as a whole family and try not to separate/divorce. These things alone will put black people in a better position in society.
I grew up in the hood. I saw “welfare queens” with my own two eyes. Don’t work, live off welfare, have 8 kids, section 8, boosters. These are just the women that I saw. They are out there. Don’t pretend they don’t exist. And not all of them are black.

Stay away from NY Times and Washington post. They are very liberal sources. Black people tell black people they are a victim. White people tell black people they are a victim. When u start taking responsibility and hold yourself accountable then things will start working in your favor. Not saying you in particular but just people as individuals.

Yeah, I've read enough of your drivel...


critics will basically point out that constantly dredging up da past is essentially picking da scab over and over again and re-victimization ensues.

i see it like a marriage when someone got caught cheating...if you forgive your spouse then eventually you gotta let it go and move on, or da relationship will never work...

But if the spouse keeps cheating, pretending like it’s not an issue doesn’t make sense. Your analogy treats America’s history as a one time mistake and ignoring the impact the mistake made and is still making. Redlining back then still hurts people today, denials of the GI bill denied people the right to build, denial to quality education for so long has a direct impact on the state people of color are born into today. How can you just leave it in the past when none of the impacts of those thing were ever properly remediated?
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