Kanye West: King of the Sunken Place, "Watch the Throne"

The reason people like/support Trump is because he is all about you going out and getting yours, period. If you want something, then go work for it and get it. The people who disagree with that fall back on excuses like they usually do. Please show me an example of how Trump hates black people, Mexicans, and women. And find it on your own. Don't post a CNN reporter saying some BS. Trump hasn't said anything that I haven't heard from my black, Mexican, or white friends myself. Stop playing the victim. Yeah sure you may not be starting the race with some advantages other people have but that has nothing to do with you reaching the finish line. Cry babies.
The reason people like/support Trump is because he is all about you going out and getting yours, period. If you want something, then go work for it and get it. The people who disagree with that fall back on excuses like they usually do. Please show me an example of how Trump hates black people, Mexicans, and women. And find it on your own. Don't post a CNN reporter saying some BS. Trump hasn't said anything that I haven't heard from my black, Mexican, or white friends myself. Stop playing the victim. Yeah sure you may not be starting the race with some advantages other people have but that has nothing to do with you reaching the finish line. Cry babies.
The reason people like/support Trump is because he is all about you going out and getting yours, period. If you want something, then go work for it and get it. The people who disagree with that fall back on excuses like they usually do. Please show me an example of how Trump hates black people, Mexicans, and women. And find it on your own. Don't post a CNN reporter saying some BS. Trump hasn't said anything that I haven't heard from my black, Mexican, or white friends myself. Stop playing the victim. Yeah sure you may not be starting the race with some advantages other people have but that has nothing to do with you reaching the finish line. Cry babies.

Going out and getting yours?

Trump was born with a diamond spoon, he’s never struggled a day in his life and when he’s ***** up his daddy has saved his *** or others have paid the prize for him....so please shut up, you sound like an idiot.
Hindsight is 20/20. Of course looking back you see almost everyone popular from the 80's was really a d-bag. Hell, look at Mel Gibson, 4 Lethal Weapon movies with Danny Glover he has to be a cool dude right, until a recording is released where he's telling his ex he hopes she gets ganged raped by a pack of n***g*rs.

That's how propaganda and personality cults works people, so n' so is cool because they're a singer/actor/rich/playboy/royalty/etc. Pay no attention to all these side antics they have going on in the background.

There is no reason to act all hindsight hotep-ish "I never admired any white person", stop it. That statement can't be proven or disproven, irrelevant.

I grew up as hotep as you could get, Nation of Gods and Earths (5%ers), studying Clarence 13x, Malcolm X supreme mathematics, Message to the Black Man, Malachi York books and tapes, Nation of Islam "stop the killing" rallies. I still watched Hulk Hogan telling me to say my prayers and eat my vitamins. I wanted to use the force like Luke Skywalker. Kids was a kid. Every black child wasn't (and still isn't) Huey Freeman trying to get political prisoners freed.
What does that have to do with you getting yours? I honestly don't care about Trump or Ye personally. But the message is the truth. So what if Trump is rich. So what if Trump was poor. Has nothing to do with me. All I know is if you want something this is the land of opportunity for you to make it happen. Aren't you doing well as a photographer ksteezy ksteezy ? You are the example of someone working for what they want. I sound like an idiot? You're on a message board calling me names like a child because you don't agree with me. Have some respect lil ***.
I’m all for getting yours, getting educated and making good personal decisions. But because so much of Americans stability today is based on the the stability their parents and grand parents were allowed achieve, the bootstraps message will forever be tone deaf. Does that mean that people can’t make it regardless of those circumstances? No. But that also doesn’t mean the government gets to push state sponsored instability on certain groups for decades and then turn around and put onus on the communities that they destabilized.
The reason people like/support Trump is because he is all about you going out and getting yours, period. If you want something, then go work for it and get it. The people who disagree with that fall back on excuses like they usually do. Please show me an example of how Trump hates black people, Mexicans, and women. And find it on your own. Don't post a CNN reporter saying some BS. Trump hasn't said anything that I haven't heard from my black, Mexican, or white friends myself. Stop playing the victim. Yeah sure you may not be starting the race with some advantages other people have but that has nothing to do with you reaching the finish line. Cry babies.

The reason people like/support Trump is because he is all about you going out and getting yours, period. If you want something, then go work for it and get it. The people who disagree with that fall back on excuses like they usually do. Please show me an example of how Trump hates black people, Mexicans, and women. And find it on your own. Don't post a CNN reporter saying some BS. Trump hasn't said anything that I haven't heard from my black, Mexican, or white friends myself. Stop playing the victim. Yeah sure you may not be starting the race with some advantages other people have but that has nothing to do with you reaching the finish line. Cry babies. [/QUOTE]

What does that have to do with you getting yours? I honestly don't care about Trump or Ye personally. But the message is the truth. So what if Trump is rich. So what if Trump was poor. Has nothing to do with me. All I know is if you want something this is the land of opportunity for you to make it happen. Aren't you doing well as a photographer ksteezy ksteezy ? You are the example of someone working for what they want. I sound like an idiot? You're on a message board calling me names like a child because you don't agree with me. Have some respect lil ***.

Be stupid brehs
The reason people like/support Trump is because he is all about you going out and getting yours, period. If you want something, then go work for it and get it. The people who disagree with that fall back on excuses like they usually do. Please show me an example of how Trump hates black people, Mexicans, and women. And find it on your own. Don't post a CNN reporter saying some BS. Trump hasn't said anything that I haven't heard from my black, Mexican, or white friends myself. Stop playing the victim. Yeah sure you may not be starting the race with some advantages other people have but that has nothing to do with you reaching the finish line. Cry babies.

Yo foreal

Let’s not forget my dude Bin Laden and Sadam too. At the end of they were just out there getting theirs. They were on some rap song too so you know they were hot in the streets. Y’all need to quit being cry babies
Anyone step up and claim they lived their lives idolizing trump yet or did we get some side BS to dodge the “keeping it real” and kept it ***** made?
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The reason people like/support Trump is because he is all about you going out and getting yours, period. If you want something, then go work for it and get it. The people who disagree with that fall back on excuses like they usually do. Please show me an example of how Trump hates black people, Mexicans, and women. And find it on your own. Don't post a CNN reporter saying some BS. Trump hasn't said anything that I haven't heard from my black, Mexican, or white friends myself. Stop playing the victim. Yeah sure you may not be starting the race with some advantages other people have but that has nothing to do with you reaching the finish line. Cry babies.

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