*** Kanye West is quitting music; Becoming a LV intern ***

Nov 7, 2008
Grammy Award-winning rapper, record producer and shameless self-promoter Kanye West plans to ditch his music career in favor of fashion.

West, 31, tells the London Daily Mirror he'll move to the British capital next year to begin at the bottom rung with an internship at Louis Vuitton'sUK HQ in Bond Street - or so he hopes.

"I'm going to go and take an internship and just do something that's like completely normal," he tells the paper, "and just rap at theweekends or something."

If the Vuitton gig doesn't materialize, West will apply at other major European fashion houses in hopes of learning the rag trade. Any fashionistas outthere want a major pain in the *%@ to fetch coffee and such?


Link: http://www.luxist.com/200...for-job-at-louis-vuitton/
Well at least we know he can dress the part considering his knick name

He has a music contract people, don't believe the hype
I'm tired of this +*@%!%#@*%+% and his antics.

Excluding 808's, I'm a fan of his music but dude is such a diva that it's tough to support him sometimes...
Originally Posted by IHaveMyOwnOpinion

Not gonna happen. Nobodys gonna want to deal with him. He'll be like the T.O. Or Adam "Pacman" Jones of designers...
pretty much, they'll hire him for more sales in a marketing stand-point but his ego will get him fired in no time
Originally Posted by marath0n

Let him do his thing.
I wish him well.

What's so bad about an artist who is interested in fashion becoming an intern and learning? I don't understand why yall place famous people on thispedestal and try to pretend like they are some super species... at the end of the day they are still PEOPLE

If Marc Jacobs took off a period of time to learn to play music or something I'm sure yall wouldn't even comment about it. Hop off dudes nuts.
Originally Posted by IHaveMyOwnOpinion

Not gonna happen. Nobodys gonna want to deal with him. He'll be like the T.O. Or Adam "Pacman" Jones of designers...

So true.
Well good luck to him. Hopefully on those weekends that he decides to rap or watnot..he'll come out with a hit
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