Just quit my job vol. how did yall quit? UPDATE PAGE 5


Aug 5, 2017
so when u quit ur job what yall do the time remaining at work?

yall work on transition or goof off?

when i worked retail this dude put in his notice and spent the days int he bathroom watching movies lmao

any funny stories of how yall quit ur job?
All of the times I have left of my own volition, I did the right thing and put in a 2 week notice and emailed a thank you to some people or whatever.

The last job I had on Tinker Air Force Base at D.I.S.A was the only time I flat out quit, I didn't even have anything else lined up. It was that miserable of an environment, literally when someone new starts people laugh and make bets on how short that person's stay will be and everyone enjoys deliberately being anti helpful to the new people. I worked there maybe 5 months where i was involved in projects and doing things ( as the newest person I had the most workloads, the most servers on both NIPR and SIPR, the most Authorized Service Interruption days (just when I patched a domain and it's environment, usually were after hours or on weekends and it's possible/likely to have multiple at the same time). Once another guy left and they gave me his workloads and that meant I didn't even get weekends off and was now working 7 days a week, something like 80hrs, I was so stressed and unhappy. I had to quit picking my daughter up from day care we had to move her to another one altogether that matched her Mom's schedule, I didnt even find out until months in that I wasn't even doing the ASI's right. We were a team and nobody had each other's back (every person was primary on their workloads but there was always another person as alternate and we also had to send every email to everyone which was overwhelming over 1k emails a day), in fact people would literally and deliberately set you up to fail. The Company has since lost that contract and I've gotten calls from other companies bidding it and told them i wouldn't even come back for 100k unless yall want to put me in charge i can fix all the problems we had lick a d split.

They got me a top secret clearance though so I precinate them for that.
when i quit, it was a shocker to my boss. i came into work early and told him i was accepting a new position. he actually offered me a raise, but i was ready to leave. place was a mess and people were leaving

i actually gave three weeks notice. trained my replacement and cleared out my things. did half-days towards the end since i accumulated so much PTO
Teenage years working retail I just wouldn't show up., no call or anything. Hell one job I changed my mind a few days in and showed back up lmao

As an adult I've only left one gig and I put in a two week notice for that one and worked with my replacement
Request time off before giving notice so I can get paid my vacation time

Also help with the handoff/training for any processes that I was responsible for

Never did any funny stuff to **** on the job, I have seen that embarrassingly go bad for a few who did though
I didn't have the courage to quit my first job at a call center. The pay was good (was buying 2 pairs of kicks every paycheck) and the people were fun, but the job wore me down and I wanted to quit everyday. I tried to get myself fired and finally after half a year, I did. I would answer calls and say hello? Hello? Dang it. Then hang up pretending there was a glitch on my end. I would do this if they had a Caucasian name from the east coast as that was the demographic that was wearing my *** out. They warned me once, then eventually fired me after I kept doing it. I gave my manager a goodbye hug even though I don't think she wanted to. Awkward as hell.
Will offer two weeks notice.

Last place of employment only wanted one week (was on the bench at the time).
never really had a day job worth having so it was always like:

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they sure won't give your *** two weeks' notice.
Fam I worked for Apex and they didn't give ****** a day notice. And it wasn't firings it was lay offs, so like they knew at least weeks if not months in advance on the 3rd we're letting everyone go. I only found out the day of because site lead (who worked for a different company) called me and asked me to turn in my keys, I'm like why, he said its your last day aint it? News to me. A few of our local guys came back to work Monday and had to get escorted out, their *** didnt even know. The travel guys only got a call from the company because of the logistics involved, they have to check out of hotel rooms, turn in rental cars, and catch flight. Basically they knew they were getting out of the contract early and instead of telling us so we could make arrangements, they knew people would find new jobs and leave before the last day snd they'd have to give the Government back money for every body/seat that wasnt occupied, they said **** it just let them find out after it happens so we get all our money per employee til the end.
You give them a 2-week notice, finish up all remaining tasks and projects, tie up all loose ends and finally reach out to all the people you've worked with who would be a nice contact to have.

#1 rule is to ALWAYS keep it professional.

BTW, some of ya'll sound like y'all 18 years old or something. Who just stops showing up?

I can def tell most of you guys do not have careers :lol:
Very first job, I just stopped coming. I got into with with a manager because they didn’t want to give me the weekend off for a family trip that I told them about well in advance. I remember going back and forth with the manager and my momma in the back like, “Man **** them…let’s go!” That was all I needed to hear. Every other job I gave them 2 weeks notice and slacked off for a week and a half.
Fam I worked for Apex and they didn't give ****** a day notice. And it wasn't firings it was lay offs, so like they knew at least weeks if not months in advance on the 3rd we're letting everyone go. I only found out the day of because site lead (who worked for a different company) called me and asked me to turn in my keys, I'm like why, he said its your last day aint it? News to me. A few of our local guys came back to work Monday and had to get escorted out, their *** didnt even know. The travel guys only got a call from the company because of the logistics involved, they have to check out of hotel rooms, turn in rental cars, and catch flight. Basically they knew they were getting out of the contract early and instead of telling us so we could make arrangements, they knew people would find new jobs and leave before the last day snd they'd have to give the Government back money for every body/seat that wasnt occupied, they said **** it just let them find out after it happens so we get all our money per employee til the end.
I worked for Apex under a Navy contract for a couple of years. No complaints, I just did my job on-site and didn't have much interaction with the company. Got me my Secret clearance and been chugging along ever since.
You give them a 2-week notice, finish up all remaining tasks and projects, tie up all loose ends and finally reach out to all the people you've worked with who would be a nice contact to have.

#1 rule is to ALWAYS keep it professional.

BTW, some of ya'll sound like y'all 18 years old or something. Who just stops showing up?

I can def tell most of you guys do not have careers :lol:

I had a job at best buy and i broke my wrist and called my manager and was like maybe i'll be back n a week
lmao she was like i don't think so you'll probably need surgery
she was right, i never went in again.

my other retail job at home depot, i was on pto and another job wanted me to start the next week so i called em and said i aint coming back sorry
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Still in my first job out of college but planning on leaving with in the next year.

I would leave a 2 eek notice and help with transition. Always heard it's best to leave on a good note.
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