Just got the Wii---------- What now? Wii owners come in!!

I thought I was the only one

I bought Brawl
Honed my skills ..... And I'm like what else can this thing do
And I just looked at what games they have for it
I haven't got the online piece yet
And I don't think I will
My boy has Wii and all we do is play Brawl
Now I'm thinkin like why did I buy this since I know I'll play it over his house all the time

Most wasted three-hundred-somethin dollars ever
Extremely dissapointed
Whoever still has the box and everything that comes with the nintendo wii including the games please pm me because i need to buy one asap.
Give me a good price for it, it doesnt have to collect dust lol.
Super Mario Galaxy
Sonic Unleashed
Super Smash Bros. Brawl

The wii gets old quick, but it has its moments.
I think is a GREAT compliment to a ps3 of xbox 360 but its not a good stand alone system.
Originally Posted by blackngold1z

I think is a GREAT compliment to a ps3 of xbox 360 but its not a good stand alone system.

to me it's more like the wii is the best when you are playing multiplayer with actual people (not talking about online).

if you're mostly playing by yourself then yeah, the wii will just collect dust.
zelda and mario galaxy (very short, lil easy) were cool...but yea, if your not a big smash bros fan then there is nohope for you bro
overrated console. roomie has like 8 games and he hasnt touched it in 2 months. graphics suck, wii-mote get old. only game i enjoyed on the wii was ResidentEVil 4.
i only payed 100 for my Wii w/ 5 games and 2 controllers so I still came up on top
how exactly does wii fit work? is it actually effective in exercising and working out?

do you have to pay for additional work outs and stuff
Originally Posted by theDEEK

Now you play it for 3-4 weeks followed by 9+ months of collecting dust on it. Definitely sell it.

co-sign. I havent actually played my Wii in like a year and a few months. Sad really, I can't believe I actually waited in line, outside in the cold for 5hours for this system.

-The Juice
Yeah if you aren't into games like Smash Bros, Mario Kart, Zelda, etc. Then its just gonna collect dust for you after a while. Soo clutch when you got alotof family/friends over though.

And plus....Virtual Console will always keep you busy if you still enjoy the classics.
lol I got it from an ex-gf as an xmas gift.. Bought myself GH3 right away.. Got bored of it after a couple weeks.. And then just gave it to my cousins..
Got excited when Smash Bros Brawl came out.. Bought that.. Went over to cousins to play.. Got bored after like 30 minutes..
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