Just got interviews with 2 Illinois pharmacy schools

Dec 24, 2012
Been aiming for pharmacy school since I left high school. One school actually denied me earlier and just recently asked me to interview with them again. Any tips I should follow for these types of interviews? And if I get in, any affordable and safe places to live off campus in Northern Chicago/Waukegan area or Downer's Grove?
Bump for some help for OP.

OP I wish I knew how pharmacy school interview's worked. I have no advice but to aim to put your best foot forward and not be reticent to talk about any accomplishments you've made in your life and get your shine on. Find out why you really want to study pharmaceuticals and what you have to offer the program.

Best of luck!
 Downer's Grove?
i can't really be of service but can tell you that just north of DG is a town called Lombard that contains of one the funnest games known to man, Whirlyball...if you end up in that area, play it
Bump for some help for OP.

OP I wish I knew how pharmacy school interview's worked. I have no advice but to aim to put your best foot forward and not be reticent to talk about any accomplishments you've made in your life and get your shine on. Find out why you really want to study pharmaceuticals and what you have to offer the program.

Best of luck!
Thanks for the words of encouragement fam!
i can't really be of service but can tell you that just north of DG is a town called Lombard that contains of one the funnest games known to man, Whirlyball...if you end up in that area, play it
Will definitely check that out when I have time to haha
midwestern university in downers grove? DG is a very well to do city from what I saw. I believe the county it is in (DuPage) is one of the richest in the country from what I heard. typical suburb .
If you go to the school in Downers Grove, anywhere in Dupage County will be fine in regards to safety. I don't know your price range, but you should be able to find something in the area.
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