Originally Posted by Pushak513

9000 for a brake job take 50 of that and get ur homie another kinda job since he goin to prom by himself

hahahahah seriously hes killing my erep even more



thats my friend who cant get a date
hate it when parents do this...regardless of whether you got the $ or not, you aren't old enough to appreciate something that expensive. Props to the BillGates of the world who keep their kids humble, and who have them probably driving CIVICS. On a side note my first car was a 1985 Ford Escort that couldnt evengo on the freeway, and I toweled it off better than that after a washing son.
It's gonna be totaled.

I think it's funny how he says how he copped it when everyone knows he didn't do it by himself.

Just fess up and appreciate the help you got to get it.
Originally Posted by Sputnik

Originally Posted by DeeeK

Yeah definitely a lot of hate in here... who cares, my parents bought my Range, no shame in parents buying you nice things when they can....

...dude is a herb though
i seriously dont care what you guys believe, the dudes hating are the dudes driving civics

Does it really matter what car they drive? Even if they're hating, in the end does it really matter? BTW I'm not hating or anything, but if :i was youI would have looked in to buying a house instead of a car because that's a horrible investment.

I'm your age and I'm turning 18 this June, going to be making bank starting June. I've driven brand new Corvettes and Mercedes for weeks at a time,and I started thinking about buying a really expensive car with my money, but I realized that I should use all that money to buy a house or two, maybe makesome investments. I loved the attention that I got from people, specially the girls, but setting up things for the long run would have been a better idea.

Then again maybe you already thought of this (I hope you did) and realized you could afford to do this, hey maybe I'll do it anyway and live a bit lesslavishly. Best of luck with the car. ON a side note I don't hate people who's parents buy them nice stuff, I hate people who brag and feel superiorbecause they have a brand new Benz that they never lifted a finger to earn. Especially when they start making fun of other peoples stuff because it's notmore expensive than theirs, that crap pisses me off.
^ Sigh.. I can vouch.. he doesnt live in seattle but more north.. and dude is not lying cuz i drove by it earlier today..
Originally Posted by Sputnik

Originally Posted by moonmaster3

Originally Posted by Sputnik

ive worked at jcps lol and nordstroms. little bit there, sold some things little bit there. about 1000-2000 was my parents money that i got as a christmas present or sum

You're 17. You did not make $30,000 working at a dept. store. Just say it dude, your parents paid for it, it's not a big deal you were born into money. But at least have the sack to admit it. You didn't earn that car, your parents bought it for you. !!!# outta here with that $30k
how are you going to tell me what i did. i did not earn that money from one place.

fam youre 17. meaning youve only been eligible to work lets say a year and a half since you said youre almost 18.
so in 18 months you made 28k? since 2k is from parents
thats like 1.5k a month
and you had to do all this while still bein in school

only way you coulda done that was if you was pushin weight
and from the looks of things you sho werent.
newbery158 wrote:
hate it when parents do this...regardless of whether you got the $ or not, you aren't old enough to appreciate something that expensive. Props to the Bill Gates of the world who keep their kids humble, and who have them probably driving CIVICS. On a side note my first car was a 1985 Ford Escort that couldnt even go on the freeway, and I toweled it off better than that after a washing son.

i hate reading stuff like this...if you're parents could by you a GTR @ 17 what would you do? turn it down because you're too young to appreciate it? ST F U

When I was 19 I was pushing a 80k S500 to college and i heard a lot of the same comments this kid is getting on this thread...As soon as I got the car everyonewanted to turn dectective and figure out how I got the car, how much my parents made..Even my friends parents would try to tell my mom and dad they shouldnthave got me such an expensive car.

It's very likely that the car is his. I just met a kid who got an SL 65 for his 18th birthday and he's getting 8M wired into his bank account in a fewweeks for graduating high school.

As far as the tags, I'm new to CA so I don't know the laws. But in TX if you buy a used car the plates come with it.
ducktales. how u gonna have a pic with u havin a license plate already? plates take like a month at least. if u really got that ride, u woulda posted pics thatsame week u got the ride. if this week is THAT week, you could have NOT possibly got those plates already. smh.
Originally Posted by pianoman52

ducktales. how u gonna have a pic with u havin a license plate already? plates take like a month at least. if u really got that ride, u woulda posted pics that same week u got the ride. if this week is THAT week, you could have NOT possibly got those plates already. smh.

considering he got the car in cali, and he lives in seattle, im gonna put money that he bought it used.

comon fam.
Originally Posted by High Class Scum Bag

newbery158 wrote:
hate it when parents do this...regardless of whether you got the $ or not, you aren't old enough to appreciate something that expensive. Props to the Bill Gates of the world who keep their kids humble, and who have them probably driving CIVICS. On a side note my first car was a 1985 Ford Escort that couldnt even go on the freeway, and I toweled it off better than that after a washing son.

i hate reading stuff like this...if you're parents could by you a GTR @ 17 what would you do? turn it down because you're too young to appreciate it? S T F U

When I was 19 I was pushing a 80k S500 to college and i heard a lot of the same comments this kid is getting on this thread...As soon as I got the car everyone wanted to turn dectective and figure out how I got the car, how much my parents made..Even my friends parents would try to tell my mom and dad they shouldnt have got me such an expensive car.

It's very likely that the car is his. I just met a kid who got an SL 65 for his 18th birthday and he's getting 8M wired into his bank account in a few weeks for graduating high school.

As far as the tags, I'm new to CA so I don't know the laws. But in TX if you buy a used car the plates come with it.

whats wrong with what they said? truth hurts sometimes
Originally Posted by High Class Scum Bag

newbery158 wrote:
hate it when parents do this...regardless of whether you got the $ or not, you aren't old enough to appreciate something that expensive. Props to the Bill Gates of the world who keep their kids humble, and who have them probably driving CIVICS. On a side note my first car was a 1985 Ford Escort that couldnt even go on the freeway, and I toweled it off better than that after a washing son.

i hate reading stuff like this...if you're parents could by you a GTR @ 17 what would you do? turn it down because you're too young to appreciate it? S T F U

When I was 19 I was pushing a 80k S500 to college and i heard a lot of the same comments this kid is getting on this thread...As soon as I got the car everyone wanted to turn dectective and figure out how I got the car, how much my parents made..Even my friends parents would try to tell my mom and dad they shouldnt have got me such an expensive car.

It's very likely that the car is his. I just met a kid who got an SL 65 for his 18th birthday and he's getting 8M wired into his bank account in a few weeks for graduating high school.

As far as the tags, I'm new to CA so I don't know the laws. But in TX if you buy a used car the plates come with it.

I agree cats always want to find a way to be negative on the next person knowing in the same situation they not turning it down.
Originally Posted by WallyHopp

Originally Posted by High Class Scum Bag

newbery158 wrote:
hate it when parents do this...regardless of whether you got the $ or not, you aren't old enough to appreciate something that expensive. Props to the Bill Gates of the world who keep their kids humble, and who have them probably driving CIVICS. On a side note my first car was a 1985 Ford Escort that couldnt even go on the freeway, and I toweled it off better than that after a washing son.

i hate reading stuff like this...if you're parents could by you a GTR @ 17 what would you do? turn it down because you're too young to appreciate it? S T F U

When I was 19 I was pushing a 80k S500 to college and i heard a lot of the same comments this kid is getting on this thread...As soon as I got the car everyone wanted to turn dectective and figure out how I got the car, how much my parents made..Even my friends parents would try to tell my mom and dad they shouldnt have got me such an expensive car.

It's very likely that the car is his. I just met a kid who got an SL 65 for his 18th birthday and he's getting 8M wired into his bank account in a few weeks for graduating high school.

As far as the tags, I'm new to CA so I don't know the laws. But in TX if you buy a used car the plates come with it.

whats wrong with what they said? truth hurts sometimes

Why should people dictate what you can and cant have? I was a good kid, made good grades and my parents were fortunate enough to reward me w/ nicethings. What was I suppose to do? Tell them to buy me a ford focus? Those same parents complaining would've taken a free benz too..

Anyways, congrats to the OP on the new car....Be safe.
Originally Posted by High Class Scum Bag

Originally Posted by WallyHopp

Originally Posted by High Class Scum Bag

newbery158 wrote:

Why should people dictate what you can and cant have? I was a good kid, made good grades and my parents were fortunate enough to reward me w/ nice things. What was I suppose to do? Tell them to buy me a ford focus? Those same parents complaining would've taken a free benz too..

Anyways, congrats to the OP on the new car....Be safe.

See, you earned your rewards, which is commendable. This kid, until he proves otherwise, was given not only a car, but a supercar (I'm gonna assume thiskid is just lying). Too many kids these days dont work for anything, and expect everything to be given to them. In their world, consequences dont exist andwork ethic is invisible. See, Mrmeeh2 right here on NT.

I was lucky enough, and happy, about being given $2000 to help buy a car by my parents when I was about to graduate high school. Now I'm in college drivinga Hyundai Sonata, working full time to pay for it and the insurance. Like I said, I wish I was rich, but I'm not. So I'm doing what I can to make sureI dont have to worry about financial problems when I'm grown.
Does it really matter how he got the car?

Sure, it'd be nice for him to have earned the money himself and pay for it, but what difference does it make to him if he bought it or his parents boughtit? He's still the one with the car. Everybody here is hating on him so much...but at the same time, if he had posted any old hoopty, he would've alsogotten flamed. Just leave the dude alone, he wanted to floss his car because he can.

If you were put in the same position, and youre parents were wealthy enough to get you any car you wanted, would you have turned the GT-R down at age 17?

Props to the OP on the new pickup, don't hurt yourself.
Hey, if it's really yours and you're happy with it, more power to you.

Don't mind the bunch of jealous, broke dudes trying to clown.
Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

Hey, if it's really yours and you're happy with it, more power to you.

Don't mind the bunch of jealous, broke dudes trying to clown.

Couldn't agree more. Everyone on here would take that car if they were in your position. SMH at jealous people...
Originally Posted by moonmaster3

Originally Posted by Sputnik

ive worked at jcps lol and nordstroms. little bit there, sold some things little bit there. about 1000-2000 was my parents money that i got as a christmas present or sum

You're 17. You did not make $30,000 working at a dept. store. Just say it dude, your parents paid for it, it's not a big deal you were born into money. But at least have the sack to admit it. You didn't earn that car, your parents bought it for you. !!!# outta here with that $30k
Originally Posted by High Class Scum Bag

Originally Posted by WallyHopp

Originally Posted by High Class Scum Bag

newbery158 wrote:
hate it when parents do this...regardless of whether you got the $ or not, you aren't old enough to appreciate something that expensive. Props to the Bill Gates of the world who keep their kids humble, and who have them probably driving CIVICS. On a side note my first car was a 1985 Ford Escort that couldnt even go on the freeway, and I toweled it off better than that after a washing son.

i hate reading stuff like this...if you're parents could by you a GTR @ 17 what would you do? turn it down because you're too young to appreciate it? S T F U

When I was 19 I was pushing a 80k S500 to college and i heard a lot of the same comments this kid is getting on this thread...As soon as I got the car everyone wanted to turn dectective and figure out how I got the car, how much my parents made..Even my friends parents would try to tell my mom and dad they shouldnt have got me such an expensive car.

It's very likely that the car is his. I just met a kid who got an SL 65 for his 18th birthday and he's getting 8M wired into his bank account in a few weeks for graduating high school.

As far as the tags, I'm new to CA so I don't know the laws. But in TX if you buy a used car the plates come with it.

whats wrong with what they said? truth hurts sometimes
Why should people dictate what you can and cant have? I was a good kid, made good grades and my parents were fortunate enough to reward me w/ nice things. What was I suppose to do? Tell them to buy me a ford focus? Those same parents complaining would've taken a free benz too..

Anyways, congrats to the OP on the new car....Be safe.

damn good grades in high school is enough to warrant an 80k car? guess i got played getting a pat on the back and a trip to benihanas...high classscumbag is well put son...let me put it this way: my parents didn't need to buy my love and affection with frivolous gifts, yes an 80k car for a kid isfrivolous, making them proud was enough for me. and before you go clowning and judging, I'm 25 driving a 2008 Chevy Malbu that's payed in full and Ithank God I've had the ways and means to make that happen. maybe one day I'll own a nice whip like that, but if not no biggie. do me a favor and goback to TX, we got enough ignorant people in CA.
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