Just call me Da Rat Terminator.... Vol. VICTORY IS MINE!

Great thread. I couldn't live in a house Knowing that those RODENTS were they're too. Good job OP
Daaaamn, my Gf's apt has mice in it. I've killed 3 in 3 days using those sticky traps baited with peanut butter and strawberry nutragrain bar pieces. But the first night I saw a huuuge mouse, and we locked eyes. It didn't even run, it just walked back into the stove. The ones I've caught were his peons I guess that he sent to scout the area. I NEEEEEED to kill this mouse. I've sworn to do it. Do you (or anyone) recommend that $40 trap??? Cuz I'll buy it.
that last pic from OP looks like my older bro when hes knocked out and drunk...all sprawled and stretched out
Originally Posted by AllenIversonFan01

My father used the be an exterminator. And he swore by the $40 traps, thats all his company would use for mice/rats.

Thank you.  Going to Home Depot after work and copping this immediately.  I can't wait to see the lifeless body of this brazen creature.
My father used the be an exterminator. And he swore by the $40 traps, thats all his company would use for mice/rats. Cuz you dont have to touch the them once they dead. You just take the trap outside and dump it. Plus once they go in its a wrap and its quick.
OctobersFinest wrote:

But the first night I saw a huuuge mouse, and we locked eyes. It didn't even run, it just walked back into the stove.


You might need a flamethrower for that one.
Originally Posted by JordanFan04

See, these rats/mouses think they are smart, that thing just KNEW something was just too good to be true but at the end of the day they are rodents. Rodents don't follow instinct, all they care about is food.
Originally Posted by OctobersFinest

Originally Posted by AllenIversonFan01

My father used the be an exterminator. And he swore by the $40 traps, thats all his company would use for mice/rats.

Thank you.  Going to Home Depot after work and copping thisimmediately. I can't wait to see the lifeless body of this brazencreature.
It'll Definitely the best trap you can buy for the mouse, word to the video quoted above.
Originally Posted by pacmagic2002

Damn........YOU KILLED THE DAD FROM RATATOUILLE!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU SOAB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hahaha.....Nice catch (or not). you must live in NY.

anybody have the link to that guy goldenarmz vid?

that was a funnnny vid, the way he jumped when he thought the mouse was getting back up haha

btw, congrats on your victory OP. but a part of me feels bad when i see stuff like this
nice kill

but dam roaches before???

rats now??

what kind of filthy coditions do u live in fams??

prob roach eggs all in ur comp and tv and furniture  
Originally Posted by W1LL 1 Am

nice kill

but dam roaches before???

rats now??

what kind of filthy coditions do u live in fams??

prob roach eggs all in ur comp and tv and furniture  
LOL. I actually live neat, I keep the dishes clean, trash taken out and all. It's just that I've recently figured out that the apartments that are more affordable here in atlanta seem to always have some sort of pest problem. It's been a nightmare living in this complex sometime. I wish this on no one 

BUT my lease is up in May 

i had a mouse problem...i think i still may have it
i havent seen fresh crap which is a plus...but this place is filled with dcon and those peanut butter baited snap traps. the mouse hasnt touched it...i think it may be dead because i see the dcon crushed and in my shoes and stuff in the shoe room. living with this thing has been the worse thing on earth. i sleep like a burrito with my covers all tucked under me in fear that it might crawl on me. for a while i would eat in my car instead of the apt and i had stopped cooking altogether until recently. my apt company is letting me break my lease and move so i am outty as soon as i find a place. matter of fact i am giving notice on tuesday. if i see droppings or it again i will invest in that zapper but then again i am only here for another few days so we shall see.

and it really has nothing to do with cleanliness.i have been living in my apt for two years and never ever had a rodent problem and i clean like crazy. this incident didnt start until my pipes burst (due to them freezing over) and maintenance had to open the wall up....in came stuart little.
Originally Posted by SoleWoman

i had a mouse problem...i think i still may have it
i havent seen fresh crap which is a plus...but this place is filled with dcon and those peanut butter baited snap traps. the mouse hasnt touched it...i think it may be dead because i see the dcon crushed and in my shoes and stuff in the shoe room. living with this thing has been the worse thing on earth. i sleep like a burrito with my covers all tucked under me in fear that it might crawl on me. for a while i would eat in my car instead of the apt and i had stopped cooking altogether until recently. my apt company is letting me break my lease and move so i am outty as soon as i find a place. matter of fact i am giving notice on tuesday. if i see droppings or it again i will invest in that zapper but then again i am only here for another few days so we shall see.
AYOOOO so what made them let you out of your lease? Did you keep bothering them about it so much that they got tired and let you out? Or was it because they're pest control was unable to catch it???? I need to know cause I'm following suit homie!
nope all it took was one nasty email....i can send it to you and you can edit where you see fit. and to answer your question no their extermination did not catch it because they day after they supposedly came i actually saw the thing. scrambling around. and honestly i dont think they did anything because i already had glue traps, dcon, and snap traps down. this lil thing ate peanut butter off the glue trap with no problems....after i saw that i went to stay at a friends. the sight of this thing creeps me out.
Amazing thread. That's how you tell a story! Good job sir!

Wow NYC rat?? LoL
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