jumpman tats....

Originally Posted by CarolCitysFinest

Originally Posted by milestailsprowe

Originally Posted by CarolCitysFinest

Originally Posted by milestailsprowe

Why put a companey logo on you? Get something that will mean more then the brand of shoes you wore in your youth. You dont see anyone with stride baby shoes logo do you?
why all the hate on jordan tats?i mean dudes gettin tears,area codes females names on em and u hate on jordan tats?You hate on people gettin crosses on them?that @$%! is pretty much a religious logo i aint got nuthin against relegious tats. but theres alot worse things that people gettin tatted then jordan stuff.....i mean i been collecting J's since i was 14 im 24 now jordans the only thing i been interested in for 10 years outside of sports so imo i dont see whats wrong with gettin tats of things you like.....but to each they're own i guess.
Yeah Tears Area Codes and names that aint your moms, daughters or wives is ******ed as well. We all love jordans thats why we are on this forum but why put a company brand on you? The only Jordan tat I can come up with off the top of my head thats accepteable imo is AJXX3 or AJwhatever your favorite jay is in a snall tat. Not none of this Huge Jumpman mess
I feel you on the HUGE jumpman mine is only bout 2x2 inch on my wrist i wouldnt get a big one either...that one dude got on his arm is decent tho....for me jordans is more then a company brand or w.e its more of somthin ive had a passion for since i was young,with me atleast i dont get tats to get other peoples approval tho its more if i like it i get it.......on a side note tho i saw a dude at a cincinatti reds game had FUSION V's tatted on his neck.
good artwork but I mean fusions c'mon.
Its a sneaker logo You either have it blend in with those full body or chest tats those biker guys or tat addict get or you get a small one out ofplan sight. Why your wrist those.?
Tattooing a brand is like tattooing a girl's name that you just met on your arm. What if JB becomes synonymous with something you don't agree with?Could you imagine if people were putting OJ tattoos on their arms pre '94? I bet that if they did they'd feel like real clowns now. Just a bad ideaIMO, but do what you do. To each his own I guess; I just tend to think about the future.

im not tryin to "conceal" my tats ill prolly end up gettin full sleeves anyway.In my opinion if somebody gonna judge me or make a decision based ofme having tats its not someone i wanna be associated with in the first place.Also in my career path tats is not an issue.
Originally Posted by bdub253

Tattooing a brand is like tattooing a girl's name that you just met on your arm. What if JB becomes synonymous with something you don't agree with? Could you imagine if people were putting OJ tattoos on their arms pre '94? I bet that if they did they'd feel like real clowns now. Just a bad idea IMO, but do what you do. To each his own I guess; I just tend to think about the future.
if you spend too much time thinkin about the future the present will pass you by bro...jus like shoes ,cars,women and damn near everything else inlife if you like it get it F what other people think.If you dont like it dont get it dont knock it.
Is there really 3 dudes in here with the same exact avy or am I goin nuts? Lol. But yea, not into jumpman tats but everyone is entitled to do whatever they watto their body.
Originally Posted by CarolCitysFinest


im not tryin to "conceal" my tats ill prolly end up gettin full sleeves anyway.In my opinion if somebody gonna judge me or make a decision based of me having tats its not someone i wanna be associated with in the first place.Also in my career path tats is not an issue.
Im not judging I just dont get it but I leave as it is. Live and Let live cause hell as long you dont have one of those failure tats we see in thegeneral section
Originally Posted by milestailsprowe

Originally Posted by CarolCitysFinest


im not tryin to "conceal" my tats ill prolly end up gettin full sleeves anyway.In my opinion if somebody gonna judge me or make a decision based of me having tats its not someone i wanna be associated with in the first place.Also in my career path tats is not an issue.
Im not judging I just dont get it but I leave as it is. Live and Let live cause hell as long you dont have one of those failure tats we see in the general section
Na man i aint sayin u judging anybody i kno u jus stating your opinion ,I was talkin bout people that wont hire you because of tats and stuff likethat.I didnt mean that towards you my bad.
Originally Posted by NJstress03

Is there really 3 dudes in here with the same exact avy or am I goin nuts? Lol. But yea, not into jumpman tats but everyone is entitled to do whatever they wat to their body.

I got the most original one....

imo tho, the jumpman might be a brands logo, but to some it means more. Like you hear people who got DS dmp packages from they dead homeboy or brothers theynever wear, it means something. I know it might be a stretch to some, but in that way the tattoo is a reflection upon that person
I love Cadillacs (I have 3) but I wouldn't get a Cadillac emblem tatooed on my body. One of them was given to me in my Grandfather's will. I stillwouldn't tattoo it on me. Are you that much of a slave to commerce that you have to advertise on your skin? If they paid me (whoever), I'd consider it,but not for free, not permanently. Like I said, to each his own, but damn, you haven't given JB enough? Now you're branded with their logo?? You mightwanna try to work out some sponsorship dollars -- you are a walking billboard, FOREVER.
Been kinda up in the air on gettin one. Nothing crazy it would be on my leg. Doesn't Mello have one?
Why put a companey logo on you? Get something that will mean more then the brand of shoes you wore in your youth. You dont see anyone with stride babyshoes logo do you?

I have one - have had it for about 5 or 6 years now. I absolutely love it... and it always gets great reactions.
Originally Posted by CarolCitysFinest

Originally Posted by milestailsprowe

Why put a companey logo on you? Get something that will mean more then the brand of shoes you wore in your youth. You dont see anyone with stride baby shoes logo do you?
why all the hate on jordan tats?i mean dudes gettin tears,area codes females names on em and u hate on jordan tats?You hate on people gettin crosses on them?that @$%! is pretty much a religious logo i aint got nuthin against relegious tats. but theres alot worse things that people gettin tatted then jordan stuff.....i mean i been collecting J's since i was 14 im 24 now jordans the only thing i been interested in for 10 years outside of sports so imo i dont see whats wrong with gettin tats of things you like.....but to each they're own i guess.
because you look sort of silly at 40 and 50 with a Jordan logo on you.
And your examples you gave, beside the cross look silly also, but do you.
You aren't going to be 18 forever. What would your reaction be if you saw a 66 year old dude with a Jumpman logo?
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