Judge sentenced Jalen Rose to 20 days jail 1st DUI .12 BAC Detroit

Damb. Guess I won't be seeing him at happy hour for a while.
Originally Posted by KingSuperbIV

Originally Posted by bb4 86

Really? REALLY!?! Dude got off easy if you ask me. I personally have no sympathy for anyone who is stupid enough to get behind the wheel after drinking.

My cousin did so and killed someone (a random chick he picked up that night at the bar) and is in jail for the rest of his life. My friend from high school did it and killed 3 people and is locked up for the rest of his. My other cousin has had 2 dui's and has her license revoked for idk how long.

If it were up to me, if you get caught drinking and driving you should have your license revoked permanently. Too many people think its ok to do this and unfortunately its too late once they realize it most of the time.

Seriously? Its not illegal to drink and drive though. Its illegal to be impaired over the limit. A person license should not be revoked for life because they made one mistake.

Thats like saying your license should be revoked if you forgot to use your turn signals. Dude BAC was only .12 and he is a big man so I m pretty sure he was mildly buzzed.

Like i said its not illegal to drink and drive

If you're behind the wheel and you're "mildly" buzzed, well...your driving could be impaired.  Reflexes, amongst other things might be a tad off....could be the difference between life/death. 

It's not illegal to be UNDER the limit and drive....but I don't care how slim the margin was that he was over the limit...bottom line, he was over the limit and CHOSE to drive.  He deserves whatever sentence he got. 
Originally Posted by DajonDondo

Originally Posted by an dee 51o

JRose is a racist too


Originally Posted by KingSuperbIV

Originally Posted by bb4 86

Really? REALLY!?! Dude got off easy if you ask me. I personally have no sympathy for anyone who is stupid enough to get behind the wheel after drinking.

My cousin did so and killed someone (a random chick he picked up that night at the bar) and is in jail for the rest of his life. My friend from high school did it and killed 3 people and is locked up for the rest of his. My other cousin has had 2 dui's and has her license revoked for idk how long.

If it were up to me, if you get caught drinking and driving you should have your license revoked permanently. Too many people think its ok to do this and unfortunately its too late once they realize it most of the time.

Seriously? Its not illegal to drink and drive though. Its illegal to be impaired over the limit. A person license should not be revoked for life because they made one mistake.

Thats like saying your license should be revoked if you forgot to use your turn signals. Dude BAC was only .12 and he is a big man so I m pretty sure he was mildly buzzed.

Like i said its not illegal to drink and drive

See, you're the kind of idiot that will end up killing someone with that kind of rationale. Idk where you live but here in my city over the limit is .08 (i know that its different everywhere though). But with the rationale of "oh i'm a big dude and i can drink a lot and just be buzzed because of my body mass", that will lead to people saying "oh i've drank my whole life and i can handle my alcohol" and other types of thinking like that. While you say that it's not illegal to drink and drive, that's technically incorrect. There's a difference between DUI and DWI and you can legally be arrested for driving after one drink. Does it happen? Very rarely. But it can.
Dude BAC was only .12 and he is a big man so I m pretty sure he was mildly buzzed.
That's not how BAC works. Body weight is already factored in. A .12 BAC is the same level of drunkenness for a 150 pound man as it is for a 300 pound guy. The difference is the amount of alcohol it takes to get there.
He didn't get off light but 20 days for a DUI isn't harsh, either. He put lives at risk and no amount of charity work or good will changes that. Those things play no part in his choosing that night to drive drunk. He's mature enough to know that despite his lawyer's protest. Hell, he was lucky enough that ESPN took him right back after the DUI.
A friend just got a dui last month, 1 day in jail, in Cali by the way.

Too many people drive under the influence and think its ok.
Oh and its J rose so hell try to make an excuse to get outta this, wouldnt we all? hed try extra hard as if hes not in the wrong.
You need more evidence than an unfavorable sentence to label this judge a racist...BUT it's not at all a reach to believe that race was a factor here.

BTW, what exactly is the "race card"? Cause some of y'all be real quick to point out and get all upset when you feel like someone is using it...like we all live in a world where color is transparent and doesn't effect the people's opinions and decision making.
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

I hear ya, Pro....These athletes/entertainers get nothing but the usual slaps on the wrist for DUIs and the one time a judge actually upholds the law to a certain extent, it's gotta be racism....

Good for the judge.
Precisely, I got 2 DUI's in one week they gave me 45days in the county, and 90days EHM (ankle bracelet) and 2 1,000 fines, + victims panel & drug assessment. I had a good lawyer. Judges don't ever really make the decision, they go w/ the prosecutors recommendation, and the judge just co-sign's.
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by KingSuperbIV

Originally Posted by bb4 86

Really? REALLY!?! Dude got off easy if you ask me. I personally have no sympathy for anyone who is stupid enough to get behind the wheel after drinking.

My cousin did so and killed someone (a random chick he picked up that night at the bar) and is in jail for the rest of his life. My friend from high school did it and killed 3 people and is locked up for the rest of his. My other cousin has had 2 dui's and has her license revoked for idk how long.

If it were up to me, if you get caught drinking and driving you should have your license revoked permanently. Too many people think its ok to do this and unfortunately its too late once they realize it most of the time.

Seriously? Its not illegal to drink and drive though. Its illegal to be impaired over the limit. A person license should not be revoked for life because they made one mistake.

Thats like saying your license should be revoked if you forgot to use your turn signals. Dude BAC was only .12 and he is a big man so I m pretty sure he was mildly buzzed.

Like i said its not illegal to drink and drive

If you're behind the wheel and you're "mildly" buzzed, well...your driving could be impaired.  Reflexes, amongst other things might be a tad off....could be the difference between life/death. 

It's not illegal to be UNDER the limit and drive....but I don't care how slim the margin was that he was over the limit...bottom line, he was over the limit and CHOSE to drive.  He deserves whatever sentence he got. 

No, he's right. Driving with a level of .12 doesn't mean he's drunk, everyone has a different tolerance to alcohol. Someone with .02 BAC could be just as dangerous as someone with a .12.

These tests don't test the ability to drive, they test the alcohol level in the body, which doesn't determine someones ability to drive. You are more likely to get hit by someone who falls asleep at the wheel, but "falling asleep at the wheel" isn't illegal.

I have a patient now that has Multiple Sclerosis, which disrupts someones central nervous system. They suffer from loss of balance, poor coordination, problems moving their extremities. This patient has a card signed by his neurologist stating "This person will not pass a coordination test.", that is specifically for Police if they get pulled over. So these people should be allowed to drive? The card is telling you that the person has abnormal reflexes, but yet is still allowed to drive?
Originally Posted by AIR J XIII

wasn't there a football player that killed a guy while driving under the influence, and he got like 30 days?

It was Donte' Stallworth, he killed a Hispanic. He only served 24 of the 30 days.

and Jalen Rose is racist himself.

If y'all are wondering why Gran Hill is posted on this thread, Here's it is
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