Jordan X Dark Shadow- April 2018

So I finally received them:


Also here are some photos that make owning these even better:




Congrats on the pick up. Never realized Pac wore these to the All Eyez on Me photo shoot. I’m going to have to get them now because of this hahaa.
Anymore $114 sales (centre doesn’t have my size) or should I just keep waiting for them to go lower?
Congrats on the pick up. Never realized Pac wore these to the All Eyez on Me photo shoot. I’m going to have to get them now because of this hahaa.
Anymore $114 sales (centre doesn’t have my size) or should I just keep waiting for them to go lower?
Doubt they'll drop much lower than that. 114 is already 40% off
Congrats on the pick up. Never realized Pac wore these to the All Eyez on Me photo shoot. I’m going to have to get them now because of this hahaa.
Anymore $114 sales (centre doesn’t have my size) or should I just keep waiting for them to go lower?

Yes sir, surprised me when I first saw it too. He also wore the Jordan 3s, Jordan 7s, of course the Jordan 9s, and Jordan 10s.
Yeah dude it's a legitimate question. You don't care what celebs wear, but you buy shoes that were created for, and worn by a celebrity. It's hypocritical.

Ok first MJ wasn’t a celebrity until he retired. He was a basketball player. I wore them to be like Mike, not to be like 2Pac who is also trying to be like Mike.
Ok first MJ wasn’t a celebrity until he retired. He was a basketball player. I wore them to be like Mike, not to be like 2Pac who is also trying to be like Mike.

Definition of Celebrity from Google:
  1. a famous person.
synonyms: famous person, VIP, very important person, personality, newsmaker, name, big name, famous name, household name, star, superstar, movie star; More
  • the state of being well known.
    "his prestige and celebrity grew"
Definition of Celebrity from Google:
  1. a famous person.
synonyms: famous person, VIP, very important person, personality, newsmaker, name, big name, famous name, household name, star, superstar, movie star; More
  • the state of being well known.
    "his prestige and celebrity grew"

Athletes were never considered celebrities 20-30 years ago. Now it’s all about popularity not so much the game. Wear what you want for whatever reasons. If it makes you feel good to see a “famous person” wearing the same shoes as good...good. Whatever floats your boat.
Athletes were never considered celebrities 20-30 years ago. Now it’s all about popularity not so much the game. Wear what you want for whatever reasons. If it makes you feel good to see a “famous person” wearing the same shoes as good...good. Whatever floats your boat.

I mean I'm just like you dude I wear Jordans lol. I'm not a huge celebrity follower, but I just like Jordans. Not even necessarily because of Jordan, but because they're dope shoes objectively. Almost like a Tinker fan in a weird way. But dude, you're going to sit there and tell me Michael Jordan wasn't famous because he was an athlete 20-30 years ago? lol did you read the definition?
I mean I'm just like you dude I wear Jordans lol. I'm not a huge celebrity follower, but I just like Jordans. Not even necessarily because of Jordan, but because they're dope shoes objectively. Almost like a Tinker fan in a weird way. But dude, you're going to sit there and tell me Michael Jordan wasn't famous because he was an athlete 20-30 years ago? lol did you read the definition?
By definition he was a celebrity but that’s subjective. Google says Negro is a black person when the most accurate definition for the word is just the color Black, in Spanish. There isn’t a single person on this planet actually the color black.
Its weird to me that people probably go up to him like 'hey mike' because he was an athlete

but he's a billionaire lol

How many billionaires have random people calling them by their first name? Must be weird

I don’t care what celebs wear. IMO, People are weird who do...ijs
I don't think anybody here really cares what celebrities wear, or what you think about other people, he just posted a pic of a dude that's well known wearing the same exact pair of sneakers that we are discussing on a sneaker forum thread for that same exact shoe If you don't understand the culture that's fine sit down and observe. :nthat:
Y'all think 114$ is the absolute lowest we will see these go?? I really want a pair I just know they are sitting hard so I don't want to bite if these are going to end up going on super disco
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I would pull the trigger at $114
I paid $136 on ebay and thought that was a great deal about a month ago
Should of waited....
MJ was the most recognizable person on the planet during his prime. Celebrity would be an understatement.
This is correct and not even worth following up on, but for the sake of the millenials..As stated Jordan was THE most recognizable athlete in the world BEFORE he retired. He had to have a bodyguard detail and he would disguise himself in public. Jordan took the NBA to global stardom. The comment that he ‘became a celebrity after retirement’ is woefully inaccurate.
Love this shoe, what's crazy is just about a week ago I thought about getting rid of my pair to make room for other kicks. I pulled the shoe out the box and said never mind im keeping....just a classic and probably the cleanest 10s color way imo. I wasn't going to let the role that these are sitting dictate how I felt about the shoe!
I would pull the trigger at $114
I paid $136 on ebay and thought that was a great deal about a month ago
Should of waited....

I paid a little bit more than you but definitely under retail. I already knew these would hit a harder sale later I even mentioned it lol, but I wanted to get my hands on a fresh release pair that was factory laced not tried on and pick and choose a good quality one, it was worth the peace of mind for the extra couple dollars in the beginning.

btw..everyone should be juomping on that $114 shipped deal, sheesh!!!
I paid 124 shipped from Ubiq Life on their Memorial Day sale. Not too upset about paying $10 extra lol.
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