A very simple explanation as to why transactions are failing on FNL: Their system can't handle the traffic.
Specifically, the amount of authorizations coming back from the credit card company including any other procedures they have in place once an authorization is received. Let's look at the evidence:
-FNL put in a system to block traffic at the firewall to minimize load on their system
-People have reported getting through on the 2nd, or 3rd try with the same or different card, with all other information remaining the same
-People have reported seeing the authorizations on their CC accounts (as pending transactions)
-People have reported getting the errors with "virgin" accounts. IE, setting up a new name, billing address, CC that has never been used on FNL.
Will using a Gift Card help? Probably, but only *IF* FNL has a process in place to flag accounts (by address, CC#s, winner's circle rewards, email address, etc) and you believe you've been flagged. And if you have, my suggestion is to use completely new information (address, email addy, phone #, etc) you've never used before. However, using a Gift Card WILL NOT HELP YOU if their system is bogged down and they can't handle the load
For those who are curious, here's a high level explanation of how a CC transaction is processed:
-After you've submitted your information, the merchant (in this case FNL) passes your information to their issuing bank for an approval. Your CC number, exp date, security code, zip code, and amount is passed. In some cases the first few characters of your street address is also submitted.The merchant's issuing bank may pass this information directly to the credit card company, or more likely – to an intermediary such as CyberSource.
-When the issuing bank/card receives the information they pass back an authorization back to FNL assuming the # is valid and you have sufficient funds/credit for the amount requested. At this point, the amount is put on hold as a pending charge.
-When the merchant receives the authorization, they book/process the order. Or, they might apply their own set of fraud controls before booking the order.
-Funds are then transferred from your account to the merchant. Most do this after the item ships. This is known as the "capture" and is managed by the merchant's bank.
-If the order isn't processed or is cancelled (the funds are not "captured) the authorization is lifted and is available again for use. The amount of time varies but 10 days is typical...
Sorry for the long message but I thought I'd clear up a lot of misinformation about how CC transactions are processed.
Good luck everyone!