So the bleeding on the OG's is visible on the bottom of the sole? Not the side of the pod? I don't have OG 13's, so I'm asking genuinely...
My post is referring to the dye of teh suede becoming visible on the sides of the white pods...I'm not sure that that would happen with black pod versions of the 13's. I have seen some bleeding on a few flint 13's, but none to the extent of the grey toes from '05. The white and red mids have black pods as well, so I don't think the bleeding would be visible on the sides of the pods.
Do the "he got game" (i hate that nickname and I apologize for using it, but I'm using it for the sake of clarity) bleed? I don't have the most recent retro of those, but I don't think there's any bleeding on my cdp pair.