Jordan retro 11 concord FAKE/ REAL Check

Oct 8, 2012
Can you guys please help and tell me what you think.  I honestly think the 23 on the back looks a little big which leads me to believe that they are fake.  Please give reasoning.  THANKS!
going thru my own legit check fiasco after selling a pair of CG 11's I bought from finishline and the buyer is claiming them to be fake so I have done a lot of research in the last 24 hrs...

but it looks to me that 23 is way too stretched and the patent leather does not look right, but it could just be the picture (lighting, reflection, etc.)

I'm sure the veterans here can provide better conclusions but just throwing my $0.02 out there
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The soles tell it all, way too icey. Every legit pair of Concords should have some yellowing. There GM's bro!
No. I could buy a retail pair and GM pair, then give you the GM pair with the receipt. Doesn't make it authentic. These are just wrong.
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