Jordan CDP Sellers on ebay

yea there stolen pics and i think its all the same guy

2 weeks ago he was selling dmps for like 200 shipped DS LOL
Originally Posted by NJstress03

i dont even go on ebay to cop jays anymore. i rather cop off of some1 on here even if im payin top dollar. better to pay extra for heat then pennies for BS. if it sounds too good to be true, then it most likely is.

i cop from here a lot all good stuff

stifmyster23 avatar ewww
Always Always AAALWAYS pay for shoes from your credit card balance. If a seller won't take Paypal payment from a credit card source, walk away.
probably fake...nowadays everybody gurrentees authenticity, even the
now i was thinking the same thing about this one seller, he has like 240 feed back all positive. He selling the cdp XI/XII for 275 bin and free shipping... heclaims to have all the sizes and just tell him afterwards and claims 100% authentic or your money back. Now i have a lot of experience on ebay, ive never beenscrewed. I was thinking about buying these but theres no way this deal is legit. Also i know alot of ebay scammers will look to hacl someone with a goodstanding account like a power seller so that no one will second guess to buy from them.
Originally Posted by NJstress03

i dont even go on ebay to cop jays anymore. i rather cop off of some1 on here even if im payin top dollar. better to pay extra for heat then pennies for BS. if it sounds too good to be true, then it most likely is.
^^^ exactly y i said this, sometimes shoppin on ebay is like shopping on canal street in manhatten. thats y i dunt even bother goin there either.
Remember, sometimes people will claim stuff is 100% authentic and they may have no idea it was fake.

I've seen plenty of people selling fake X/XIII packs, and they even have pics showing them come with retro cards!!

I'm glad to hear so many people stay away from ebay, that leaves more steals for the rest of us. If you know what you are doing, it's very easy todetermine if the sneakers are legit. You can even ask the seller for more tagged pics. If they refuse to send them, then avoid that auction.
smells fishy to me homey. i've copped a few off of ebay but only after a ton of proof in the form of pics of labels, receipts, etc.
Originally Posted by paul4523

especially if they say "tell me your size after winning the auction", it probably means "let me go grab your size from my pile of fake's"
I've been seeing these alot on Ebay as of lately. My friend didn't wake up when the 11/12 pack dropped and he's been searching to getthem since then for a decent price. He showed me a couple of auctions on ebay and I think the majority that are up there are suspect. I'd stay away fromsomeone with 0 feedback and random pictures too!
Stay away from these auctions, look at there registration dates and they look like there all from the same person...
I have seen them too. There is no way they can be real. Nobody can buy authentic that cheap and sell for a profit plus ship from japan.
never buy from someone who has zero. ive dealt with ebay a lot but never from someone who had zero feedback.
i always ask for more detailed tagged pics sent to my email with a date on them, I'll never forget (COMPLETELY OFF TOPIC) I was going to buy a 3g iphone oncraigslist or ebay i forget, and i asked for tagged pics, and i got the default picture apple uses
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