Jordan Brand will be remastering (building better quality shoes) starting in 2015

did you stop eating because the price of food has gone up and the quality has gone down? 
You see someone else just as dumb as you so you feel comfortable posting again huh? You have already been shut down now you trying to jump on another sinking ship smh!
This just a gimmick to get $200-250 as the standard price for retros
Specially now since they want to bring back the 16's and beyond retros
I don't think the 16's and beyond will sell like they are hoping. The people want 1-13. Even 14 struggles quite a bit. 15's? They'll sit. 16's will sit. 17's have a chance. 18's and 19's will sell, but they'll still be easily copped in store on release date. 

JB is trippin if they think they'll see demand and success of sales remotely similar to models 1-13.
This just a gimmick to get $200-250 as the standard price for retros

Specially now since they want to bring back the 16's and beyond retros
I don't think the 16's and beyond will sell like they are hoping. The people want 1-13. Even 14 struggles quite a bit. 15's? They'll sit. 16's will sit. 17's have a chance. 18's and 19's will sell, but they'll still be easily copped in store on release date. 

JB is trippin if they think they'll see demand and success of sales remotely similar to models 1-13.
Bruh u trippin
EVERYBODY will cop the 16's JUST cause they either was too young to get em or because this is the first time rereleasing (besides the cdp pair)
You see someone else just as dumb as you so you feel comfortable posting again huh? You have already been shut down now you trying to jump on another sinking ship smh!
Keep making cheap insults. You're the only one lookin stupid right now. You don't even understand the justification for the price hike. You compared Jordan production numbers to the ENTIRE world wide population. You grossly misappropriated increasing JB demographics. These are facts.
Im really not a fan of Jordan's after 14. I like the 16s and 22s but thats about it. I think 17s are [emoji]128567[/emoji]
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Bruh u trippin
EVERYBODY will cop the 16's JUST cause they either was too young to get em or because this is the first time rereleasing (besides the cdp pair)
Ok, maybe I was a lil harsh on the 16's. I'd cop, but I still think you'd be able to get em release date in store.
You see someone else just as dumb as you so you feel comfortable posting again huh? You have already been shut down now you trying to jump on another sinking ship smh!
lmao.. you dont understand simple economics and it is evident in your posts.. 

you dont understand suppy and demand, you dont understand inflation.. and based upon your avi you have no idea how to dress.. 
I don't think the 16's and beyond will sell like they are hoping. The people want 1-13. Even 14 struggles quite a bit. 15's? They'll sit. 16's will sit. 17's have a chance. 18's and 19's will sell, but they'll still be easily copped in store on release date. 

JB is trippin if they think they'll see demand and success of sales remotely similar to models 1-13.
You don't believe water is wet either do you? You don't THINK they will sell well is your opinion! But todays retros are the same prices as those 15-23 models were when they released! Thats a fact! They raise the prices because can!
You don't believe water is wet either do you? You don't THINK they will sell well is your opinion! But todays retros are the same prices as those 15-23 models were when they released! Thats a fact! They raise the prices because can!
Of course it's my opinion they won't sell. You really think 15's will fly off shelves? You think 19's will sell out instantly? You haven't been paying attention. 80% of JB's demographic doesn't care for anything after the 14's. Even the 14's struggle. 16's will sell, I admit that. 17's would too. But the others are gonna take a long time to sell out. By long time, i mean days, since seconds is the norm right now.
Of course it's my opinion they won't sell. You really think 15's will fly off shelves? You think 19's will sell out instantly? You haven't been paying attention. 80% of JB's demographic doesn't care for anything after the 14's. Even the 14's struggle. 16's will sell, I admit that. 17's would too. But the others are gonna take a long time to sell out. By long time, i mean days, since seconds is the norm right now.
Shoes like 16, 17, 18, 20's are very sought after dude! Throw in HYPE and you will have sellouts!.... YOU are the one that doesn't pay attention to what is being stated! This is what a college education has done for you?
LMAO... But THIS... explains alot more idiot!

SMH... A 90's Picture contest I won last November!
just prove my point even more.. 

another idiot jumping through hoops for some lame shoe contest.. 

jump doodoo, jump
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Shoes like 16, 17, 18, 20's are very sought after dude! Throw in HYPE and you will have sellouts!.... YOU are the one that doesn't pay attention to what is being stated! This is what a college education has done for you?
lmao..Last time I checked they dont have "retro Jordan" class at college.. 

you might want to try going to college..  a lot better then reselling sneakers.. 
Ironically the people crying about the price, are the first people buying them for resale off ebay for 300-400 dollars... talking about I NEED some bred 1's
just prove my point even more.. 

another idiot jumping through hoops for some lame shoe contest.. 

jump doodoo, jump
Yeah but how much do you pay and are willing to pay for your Jordans again? I'd rather get them for free than help feed JB's greed!
lmao..Last time I checked they dont have "retro Jordan" class at college.. 

you might want to try going to college..  a lot better then reselling sneakers.. 
Why are you talking to me about a conversation I am having with someone else! I'm getting at you but its two seperate conversations! Are you his lawyer or boyfriend??? He brought up staying in school and the fact that he is a college graduate!!!
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Why are you talking to me about a conversation I am having with someone else! I'm getting at you but its two seperate conversations! Are you his lawyer or boyfriend???
It's a thread in a forum genius. People will chime in from all angles in all threads. It's how a forum works. Newsflash or nah?
time is money.. my time is worth a lot more then doing some lame *** contest..obviously yours isnt.. 
Taking a picture is not as time consuming as you might think! And MY MONEY is worth more than wasting it on low quality overpriced Jordans so whats your point?
It's a thread in a forum genius. People will chime in from all angles in all threads. It's how a forum works. Newsflash or nah?
No genius he feels like he has someone on his side now... And me chiming in from my angle is "Complaning" and "Lame".. Right... He has already been shut down and you just shut yourself down!
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