Jordan 1 x Nike SB QS!!!!

If I had to guess, material and look. They have zero appeal to me.

Quality and look of Black and whites tho...
The Stecyks are a let down on materials.  They are in line with 2012-2013 materials.  I love the shoe itself tho.  
making a booklet for my graphics class about the lance mountains, will be posting the complete book (wordpress link including a pdf file and jpeg images) in the following weeks, cant wait to share!
ok so im kinda stuck on an opening headline, i put "the concept" as my headline and "the man and the story behind the shoe" as my subheadline and my prof, said my headline was to vague and i agree with him. any suggestions on what to put for my headline to introduce my topic? thanks
ok so im kinda stuck on an opening headline, i put "the concept" as my headline and "the man and the story behind the shoe" as my subheadline and my prof, said my headline was to vague and i agree with him. any suggestions on what to put for my headline to introduce my topic? thanks


Paint shoes, not walls.

Nice man. I thought about it for a second and it just clicked.
yea so im currently stuck on that lol
No, here's a good quote from Lance:
"They're basketball shoes. How do we make them...our shoes"?
Depends on what you're gonna do. Not entirely clear on what you're doing but you could use that to talk about the implications of the Jordan line heading to skate culture and even bring up the Craig pair
so i  making a booklet for my graphic design class and i choose to do mine on lance mountains, ima upload the second part to my wordpress and throw up my link
Gonna have to look at it when I get home since that site is blocked at school 
 I'm sure it's pretty good based off of the concept.
my work on the booklet so far. part 1 was template basically, part 2 was my first draft, part 3 was after talking to my prof. and class on how i can improve it

feedback is appreciated 
Some constructive feedback for you.

Your concept and idea is great. Great shoes deserve great photos and you have plenty of them.

I think you need to work on your typography, especially the line height of your text. Also it would make a difference to see the actual text being used, rather than filler text, so not only can we read it, but so we have a real vision of what the booklet will end up looking like.

Try changing the typefaces so that you have one typeface for the heading and one for the body text. It feels a bit too much using the same typeface for both. My personal preference is sans-serif for headings and serif for body text, but play around with different combinations until you get a feel for what is right. Here is some great inspiration:

Also you have red captions for some photos, and black captions for others. Please be consistent with this. Any (top) and (bottom) labels would look better in lower case.

And personally I would remove the circle and line on the Michael Jordan photo that circles his shoes, I think it isn't needed as it's pretty obvious the Breds match the shoes in the photo.

Hope that helps!
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Some constructive feedback for you.

Your concept and idea is great. Great shoes deserve great photos and you have plenty of them.

I think you need to work on your typography, especially the line height of your text. Also it would make a difference to see the actual text being used, rather than filler text, so not only can we read it, but so we have a real vision of what the booklet will end up looking like.

Try changing the typefaces so that you have one typeface for the heading and one for the body text. It feels a bit too much using the same typeface for both. My personal preference is sans-serif for headings and serif for body text, but play around with different combinations until you get a feel for what is right. Here is some great inspiration:

Also you have red captions for some photos, and black captions for others. Please be consistent with this. Any (top) and (bottom) labels would look better in lower case.

And personally I would remove the circle and line on the Michael Jordan photo that circles his shoes, I think it isn't needed as it's pretty obvious the Breds match the shoes in the photo.

Hope that helps!
i appreciate your feedback, i choose to use filler text because my prof, said we could. i might have a few words of actual text then the rest be filler. ill try that serif body text, the site has great examples. i didnt notice that i used 2 colors in the captions. i circled the shoes to show the shoes he was wearing it didnt seem that clear at first glance. thanks for the help
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