Yep. Def a scam. Found the same pics in another listing (different seller) on Ebay and those shoes are currently at $276.50 with 1 day still left to go. 

lol bet you got some dude lurking this thread panicking/sad now, who thought he had a steal.
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Finally got mine from a local seller for $250 with laces, receipt, bag and all. Drove 1 hour away and when im around the corner i get a text that someone offered $320. Seller felt bad and still sold them to me. Ppl are driving prices up and making this harder for heads to get for a decent (reseller) price. I know i got lucky, i hope everyone who wants a pair gets theirs too.

pointed out the hoh philly story to a youtuber since thats where im at

my man zaya x made a vid and shouted me out .......worth a watch 

I dont mean to be negative or brush off the raffle foolery im a ex ftl manager i kno it happens....but those duck foams are UUUUUUGGGGGLLLLLEEEEEEEE
Im hearing pics don't do these justice compared to seeing them in person?
Definitely. At least in my opinion. Once you get the shoe in hand it's just 10X better. Pics are nice and all, but at the end of the day, it's nothing like just holding the shoe and see it in hand.
Been away for over a day and this jumped 90 some odd pages ( mobile) ...finally got around to this
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Major thanks and appreciation to stiunit stiunit even though it didn't work out, and geraldg2309 geraldg2309 for coming through for a fellow nt'er. Nothing but love in this thread from you guys.

There was no pizza party on RD but there will be one cal fam lets get together #ntpizzaboys
Never forget
ill wait till next year. i waited 7 months for the royals ill do the same with these. i don't have time for all this tom foolery anymore.
did you really just complain about resellers, then give a whole spew on how you are going to resell more now? Not sure if I read that right but that doesn't make any sense
Im not complaining about resellers. I said that these type  of releases force ppl like me that don't resell to resell to get the shoes they want, even though I have the money to pay resell I just cant see myself doing it. I will feel better if I resold a couple of the future releases to be able to buy the shoe that  I want costing me almost nothing out of the money that I worked for. because come on these originally retailed for $69 or something like that then in 94 they hit sales racks for under $20 now Im supposed to pay 400+ for 1984 technology ****. I hope they  restock like the royals did.    
Struck out online so i said screw it and hit up my local mall to my surprise i was the first there lol does open at 10 it was 7 something so I'm trying to get in through any door i can and finally get through a service door and I'm the only 1 there ended up waiting 4 hours lol got two pairs for my wife and my brother didn't get my 15 but I'm not a huge 1 fan anyway, these are clean tho. 
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