Dude is selling his locally after he wore them for about two hours. What should I offer him since there's room to negotiate since their not DS????
whatever your willing to pay
Any MA heads have any info. on there local Eblens receiving these? Fairhaven/Fall River claim delayed shipment
Folks!! Queens is gonna restock, good news!! IF you haven't gotten a pair, they will sell $205 shipped in US

"Cancelled orders will be refunded during today. All questions will be answered on Monday. Thank you very much and enjoy the weekend."- twitter

Your welcome peeps!!   -link for breds

Restock should be around 3 or 4 PM PST

or if it is 12 PM CET then 3 or 4 AM PST
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I know its old news but once that dude hit me with that Western Union to china that was an automatic NO for me, sorry that dude ended up receiving a fuggazi pair. Zyzz tried to help people out but it backfired hard i don't care man i would never Western Union money to anybody i don't know for shoes especially international sellers.
Yo, the thing is that he never claimed that they were legit.He took a chance and told other members about it if they asked, and only if they asked. Furthermore, there were other members in the thread who claimed that they were legit...

I'm sure we all can tell that it's sketchy, but it was a chance that most members wouldn't take and he took it and tried to help out the awareness of the community...

My point is that I highly doubt that he meant will will by it, or would try to put any NTer under the bus....

He did tell people they were 100% legit.

View media item 716227

Something was fishy about that whole ordeal. I don't know why he tried to push those pairs on people or where he even got that info in the first place.

Funny how you guys bring this up every 20 pages but you all ignore my post where it's some NTers fault I thought they were legit.

Who are the wise guys who posted the fake/real comparison a month ago? Who all vouched for it? Who posted the sneaker blog with the legit check you all took as legit source?

Exactly? You guys all touted it as the truth, the pair I received was the pair the people were comparing and calling legit in that pic and website..

I even went as far as contacting the guy who made the comparison and go figure he's from china.. He said the pair I had was legit

Now, am I to blame because I listened to the 50 NTers who posted the pics and link and touting it as the truth? SMH

Y'all love to blame me when the actual fault is on the idiots posting fakes and trusting websites calling fakes as legit

I am not at fault, I trusted you guys with the information you guys kept posting and calling real deal

I guess this post is gonna get ignored and so I'll be sure to quote it every page for the next few days for the haters instead of accusing me of stupid BS
Of course allocation shifted for this release. Do you not remember how easy it was to walk out of spots with FSR's of Royals in Europe and Australia?

My dude in Europe grabbed 26 pairs with ease and I set up deals to have them shipped from Nedtherlands to US. About 10 or so members grabbed pairs (1-2 pairs each).

He went to the same spots for the Breds yestersay morning and came up with 0 pairs. Only a couple of stores near him received them and got less than a FSR and the rest of the stores that got royals he hit up in February got 0 Breds.

Different allocation 100%.

Who remembers the guy in Australia that walked out with 2 FSR's from a FTL that had pairs just sitting there? What did he do with the money---- bought Yeezy 2's.

Where is that guy now? Grabbing dozens of pairs in Europe and Australia was much more of a challenge. Partly because of distribution, partly hype, partly because of the Royal release fiasco.

I'd say all OG 1's production was very similar with different distribution. Minus black/gold 1's.

Btw anyone know why Knicks, Royals, and Celtics never hit NDC? (Obviously we know why Blk/Gld didn't).
celtics were sitting on NDC... knicks i've seen a few size pop up randomly

All OG CW 1s that released on NDC have restocked

so I'm guessing these would too

shadows seems to be the most produced out of all the OG CW 1s, so many local shops that doesn't get sht like Warehouse Shoe Sale got so many pairs of shadows.

anyways i've seen a couple of local shops say they have "delayed shipments" of the b/reds too
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Yeah, you guys really can't complain about not getting your pairs when you blast off info like that.... Not saying you shouldn't tell people, but don't complain when those sites crash and you don't get yours.
Yeah, you guys really can't complain about not getting your pairs when you blast off info like that.... Not saying you shouldn't tell people, but don't complain when those sites crash and you don't get yours.
(780 Members and 1069 Guests)

Like cmon, keep it in the PMs if you're trying to share at least.
****** still putting info on blast like that
well how else are they supposed to putout info? i mean we are on this thread to find out where releases are going to be. resellers aren't going to make much out of these, CL is clogged up with BREDS everywhere and so is Ebay lol.
Yeah, you guys really can't complain about not getting your pairs when you blast off info like that.... Not saying you shouldn't tell people, but don't complain when those sites crash and you don't get yours.
Dudes looking for attention or e-props SMH

No need to post that info, he just ruined it for everyone
Just wondering, did FNL have a small restock this morning? Or is that 72 pair rumor still holding true?
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