Came home to Chicago and returned to these. Got the hat from my connect on discount. These Bred 1s are straight butter. Haven't had a time to buy my pizza to kick off my pizza party yet
Nice hat!
The 88's? no I do not own a pair of those...Nike hiked the price on those for the NA on the back and it didnt justify me spending extra $50 on those when I already have a pair with the jumpman...
I do own 2001 TB, 2009 TB and the 2011 TB, Blk/Cements, and white/cements...

The 2009 TB was the worse of them 2001 held up for about 10 years...

Those 2001 TB's are beautiful
I wish I could just walk in a store and then 1s, there they are on a shelf, retail 140.....well we can all dream lmao
I wish I could just walk in a store and then 1s, there they are on a shelf, retail 140.....well we can all dream lmao
I was 1 for 3...Extremely lucky with these but the Royals and Black Toes were another story. You win some you lose some though...
man, you guys are picking on the 3's that came out the past couple of years. I thought the BC, WC, and TB's were fantastic. Even the fire reds were nice.
Is it me or does anyone else's toe box looks funky? Everything else checks out. I just noticed it today. I would post pictures but my iPhones being weird.
Is it me or does anyone else's toe box looks funky? Everything else checks out. I just noticed it today. I would post pictures but my iPhones being weird.

No, mine are fine. I believe you picked up a fake pair. This is your post from 2 weeks ago:

"Bout to pick up my pair tomorrow... I shouldn't be worried if the dude has a receipt right?"
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Is it me or does anyone else's toe box looks funky? Everything else checks out. I just noticed it today. I would post pictures but my iPhones being weird.

be more specific? cuz the toe box looks great on mine, noticeably better than the black toes and royals
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do these look straight to ya'll, he got the nike receipt in the background just wanna double clarify, he wants the money threw paypal invoice and not ebay, can i do BML on invoice?
Idk maybe it's just my ****** up eyes but it looks like the toe box is slanted if that makes sense. On my pair.
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